#!/usr/bin/perl ################################################################### # reitti.cgi or reitti.pl # ################################################################### # Reittihärveli - Sovellus suunnistuksen reittipiirrosten # # keräykseen ja esittämiseen tämiseen # # Distributed by: jryyppo ät gmail.com # # ================================================================# # Copyright (c) 2003-2014 Jarkko Ryyppö - All Rights Reserved. # # Software by: Jarkko Ryyppö # # Sponsored by: - # $RG_version='20140529'; ################################################################### # The software is free for non-commercial use. The software can # # be used only for purposes related to the sport of orienteering. # # # # This program comes as it is. Use it at your own risk. This is # # software with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This program is # # distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # # # # Developers of this software are not responsible for what the # # user does with help of this software. # # # # THE USER MUST NOT USE SOFTWARE FOR ILLEGAL ACTIONS. # # # # By installing and/or using our software, you agree with these # # terms of use. # ################################################################### use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser); use Fcntl ":flock"; use POSIX; use CGI qw(:cgi-lib :standard); $CGI::POST_MAX=1024 * 10000; # max 10000K posts use POSIX qw(strftime); ReadParse(); ## default language for the new js UI: $defaultlang='fi'; if($in{'act'} =~ /js/i || ($in{'act'} eq 'map' && $in{'keksi'} eq '' && $in{'java'} ne '1')){ $charset_default='UTF-8'; binmode(STDOUT, ":utf8"); #binmode(STDOUT, ":raw:perlio"); ## overkill no-no-never-ever-cache approach print header( -type=>"text/html; charset=".$charset_default, # date in the past -expires => 'Sat, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT', # always modified -Last_Modified => strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT', gmtime), # HTTP/1.0 -Pragma => 'no-cache', # HTTP/1.1 + IE-specific (pre|post)-check -Cache_Control => join(', ', qw( private no-cache no-store must-revalidate max-age=0 pre-check=0 post-check=0 )), ); }else{ ## @languages=('ca','de','ee','en','es','fi','fr','he','lt','lv','no','ru','se','pt'); ## You can add new languages by (1)adding new item here, (2) adding language texts with ## correct parameter names to map.txt (like ) ## and making new file "lang_YOURLANGUAGE.txt" ## (you can figure it out with these examples I hope) ## ## 1. Default language: (choices are currently 'ca','de','ee','en','es','fi','fr','he','lt','lv','no','ru','se') $default_lang='fi'; ## ## Default charset: $charset_default='ISO-8859-1'; # Language spesific charsets: ## $charset{'fi'}='ISO-8859-1'; ## example $charset{'ru'}='WINDOWS-1251'; $charset{'he'}='WINDOWS-1255'; if($in{'act'} eq 'help'){ if($charset{$in{'kieli'}} ne ''){ $charset_default=$charset{$in{'kieli'}}; } } print "Content-Type: text/html; charset=".$charset_default."\n\n"; } $livepasswd=''; # password disabled if empty if($in{'lang'} eq '' && $in{'kieli'} ne ''){ $in{'lang'}=$in{'kieli'}; } ######################### ## ## 2. File locking (turn this off if you get lock errors or 500 errors no matter what you do) ## #$locking=1; # locking is on $locking=0; # locking is off ## ## 3. Paths ## For UNIX, Linux: $path='../kartat/'; ## file path to "kartat" folder $httppath='../'; ## http path to the folder of leaflet.js, gadget.gif etc ## ## For IIS (Windows): #$path='C:/inetpub/wwwroot/gadget/kartat/'; ## file path to "kartat" folder # $httppath='../'; ## http path to the folder reitti.jar is located ## $norouteanim=1; ## ## Save event location using map calibration or gps uploads, so sites # like omaps.worldofo.com can geo locate map/event. 1=yes, 0 =no $geolocateevent=1; ## ## 4. OGraphApplet: 1=yes, 0 =no $OGraphApplet=0; ## ## 5. Splitsbrowser : 1=yes, 0 =no $Splitsbrowser=1; ## ## 6. Splitalyzer : 1=yes, 0 =no $splitsalyzer=0; ## ## 7. Event level names: # Default event level names $eLevel{'I'}='International'; $eLevel{'N'}='National'; $eLevel{'R'}='Regional'; $eLevel{'L'}='Local'; $eLevel{'T'}='Training'; # default Club name (for pre-opening the menu tree); $defaultClub='Rasti E4'; #$menuStyle='list'; # number of events to display on the index page $display_in_index=25; ## Language specifics ## Finnish if($in{'kieli'} eq 'fi'){ $eLevel{'I'}='Kansainvälinen'; $eLevel{'N'}='Kansallinen'; $eLevel{'R'}='Alueellinen'; $eLevel{'L'}='Paikallinen'; $eLevel{'T'}='Harjoitus'; } # menu texts if not in Finnish: $latestRoutes='Latest routes'; $events='Events:'; $latestEvents='Latest events'; $eventsByOrg='Events by club'; $eventsByDate='Events by date'; ######################################################################################### if($httppath eq ''){$httppath='./';} $gadgeticon=$httppath.'logo6.ico'; if($default_lang ne 'fi'){ $logo=$httppath.'gadget.gif'; }else{ $logo=$httppath.'harveli.gif'; } $piste=$httppath.'piste.gif'; ## Check extension $apu=$0; $apu=~ s/\\/\//g; @apu = split (/\//,$apu); ($remove,$extension)= split(/\./,$apu[$#apu]); ################### #################### rgjs section begins############################# $in{'eventid'}=1*$in{'eventid'}; #### if($in{'act'} eq 'map' && $in{'keksi'} eq '' && $in{'java'} ne '1'){ # if not, then java ui $in{'eventid'}=1*$in{'id'}; open (SISAAN,"<".$path."kisat.txt"); @kartat=; close(SISAAN); foreach $rec (@kartat) { chomp($rec); @r=split(/\|/,$rec,8); if($r[0] eq $in{'eventid'}){ ($eventid,$karttaid,$tyyppi,$nimi,$paiva,$seura,$taso,$notes,$comp)=split(/\|/,$rec); $eventname=$paiva.' '.$nimi; } } if($in{'eventid'}==0){$in{'eventid'}=0;$eventid=0;$karttaid=0;$tyyppi=0;} ($imwidth, $imheight, $format) = ImageSize($path.$karttaid.'.jpg'); ### is archived event $archived=0; if($in{'eventid'}!=0 && (-e $path."archive.zip" || -e $path."archive_".$in{'eventid'}.".zip" || $path."sarjat_$in{'eventid'}.txt.gz") && !(-e $path."sarjat_$in{'eventid'}.txt")){ if(-e $path."sarjat_$in{'eventid'}.txt.gz"){ $archived=1;$in{'gps'}=''; }else{ require IO::Uncompress::Unzip; import IO::Uncompress::Unzip; $zipfile = $path."archive.zip"; if(-e $path."archive_".$in{'eventid'}.".zip"){ $zipfile = $path."archive_".$in{'eventid'}.".zip"; } $u = new IO::Uncompress::Unzip $zipfile or die "Cannot open $zipfile: $UnzipError"; $status2=1; for ($status = 1; $status > 0 && $status2 == 1 ; $status = $u->nextStream()) { $prename=$name; $name = $u->getHeaderInfo()->{Name}; if($name eq "sarjat_$in{'eventid'}.txt"){ $archived=1;$in{'gps'}=''; } if($prename eq $name){$status2=0;} } #print "#$name $status "; if($archived==0){ # such event does not exists exit; } } } ######## $gpsdata=''; ### GPS start if($in{'gps'} ==1){ ## gps asemointi $GPSATHLETE=1*$in{'kilpailijagps'}; open (SISAAN,"<$path"."kilpailijat_$in{'eventid'}.txt"); while (defined ($rec = )) { chomp($rec); ($id,$sarjanro,$sarjanimi,$nimi,$laika,$aika,$sija,$tulos,$valiajat)=split(/\|/,$rec); if($id eq $in{'kilpailijagps'}){ $valiajat=~ s/\r//g; $valiajat=~ s/\n//g; $GPSSPLITS=$valiajat; if(substr($GPSSPLITS,-1) ne ';'){ $GPSSPLITS.=';'; } $gpsclass=$sarjanro; if($tyyppi ne '3'){ $gpsrata=$sarjanro; }else{ $gpsrata=$sija; } } } close SISAAN; open(SISAAN, "<".$path."ratapisteet_$in{'eventid'}.txt"); @d=; close(SISAAN); foreach $rec (@d){ chomp($rec); ($id,$rastit)=split(/\|/,$rec,2); if($id eq $gpsrata){ $rpisteet=$rastit; } } $GPSSPLITS.='|'.$rpisteet; if($tyyppi eq '2'){ $in{'calibtype'} = 'manual'; $gpsrata=$in{'sarjagps'}; } $GPSMODE=0; if($in{'calibtype'} eq 'manual'){ $GPSMODE=1; ### pre calibrated map parameters open(HANDLE, "<".$path."kartat.txt")|| die; @kdata=; close(HANDLE); $coord[0]=''; $coord[4]=''; foreach $rec (@kdata){ chomp($rec); ($mapid,$mapname)=split(/\|/,$rec); if($karttaid eq $mapid){ ($a,$b,$c,$s1x,$o1x,$s1y,$o1y,$s2x,$o2x,$s2y,$o2y,$s3x,$o3x,$s3y,$o3y)=split(/\|/,$rec); if($o1x != 0){ $s1y=-$s1y; $s2y=-$s2y; $s3y=-$s3y; $lat0=$o1y; $lon0=$o1x; $kaavao1y=$o1y; $kaavao1x=$o1x; $r=6370000; $pi=3.1415926535897932384626433832795; $lat=$o1y; $lon=$o1x; $north= (($lat-$lat0)/360*2*$pi*$r); $east= (($lon-$lon0)/360*2*$r*$pi *cos($lat0/180*$pi)); $o1y=$north; $o1x=$east; $lat=$o2y; $lon=$o2x; $north= (($lat-$lat0)/360*2*$pi*$r); $east= (($lon-$lon0)/360*2*$r*$pi *cos($lat0/180*$pi)); $o2y=$north; $o2x=$east; $lat=$o3y; $lon=$o3x; $north= (($lat-$lat0)/360*2*$pi*$r); $east= (($lon-$lon0)/360*2*$r*$pi *cos($lat0/180*$pi)); $o3y=$north; $o3x=$east; $xnolla1=$o1x; $ynolla1=$o1y; $xi=$o2x-$xnolla1;$yi=$o2y-$ynolla1;$xj=$o3x-$xnolla1;$yj=$o3y-$ynolla1; $xnolla=$s1x; $ynolla=$s1y; $x1 = $s2x-$xnolla;$y1 = $s2y-$ynolla;$x2 = $s3x-$xnolla;$y2 = $s3y-$ynolla; #nollalla jakamisen esto if($xj==0){$xj=0.000000000001;} if($yj==0){$yj=0.000000000001;} if(($xj * $yi - $yj * $xi)==0){$xj=$xj+0.000000000001;} if(($yj * $xi - $xj * $yi)==0){$yj=$yj+0.0000000000001;} $Gb = ($x1 * $xj - $x2 * $xi) / ($xj * $yi - $yj * $xi); $Ga = ($x2 - $Gb * $yj) / $xj; $Gd = ($y1 * $yj - $y2 * $yi) / ($yj * $xi - $xj * $yi); $Gc = ($y2 - $Gd * $xj) / $yj; } } } } #################### track log processing $pi=3.1415926535897932384626433832795; $q = $in{CGI}; if($in{'gpsurl'} =~ /http/i){ require LWP::UserAgent; $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; $ua->timeout(10); $ua->max_size(10485760); # 10 Mb; $response = $ua->get($in{'gpsurl'}); if ($response->is_success) { $d= $response->decoded_content; # or whatever } else { die $response->status_line; exit; } }else{ $file = $q->param('tracklog'); binmode $file; @d =<$file>; close($file); $d= join('',@d); } $pi=3.1415926535897932384626433832795; if($d =~ /\'); $p2=index($point,''); if($p1>-1 && $p2>-1){ # $tim=substr($point,$p1+6,$p2-$p1-6); $tim=~ s/Z//g; $tim=~ s/\-/\:/g; $tim=~ s/T/\:/g; ($tyear,$tmon,$tday,$thour,$tmin,$tsec)=split(/\:/,$tim); $tim=3600*$thour+60*$tmin+floor($tsec); $day=$tyear.'_'.$tmon.'_'.$tday; } $p1=index($point,"lat=\""); $p2=index($point,"\"",$p1+6); if($p1>-1 && $p2>-1){ $lat=substr($point,$p1+5,$p2-$p1-5); $lat =~ s/ //g; $lat =~ s/\"//g; } $p1=index($point,"lon=\""); $p2=index($point,"\"",$p1+6); if($p1>-1 && $p2>-1){ $lon=substr($point,$p1+5,$p2-$p1-5); $lon =~ s/ //g; $lon =~ s/\"//g; } $p1=index($point,''); $p2=index($point,''); if($p1>-1 && $p2>-1){ $alt=substr($point,$p1+4,$p2-$p1-4); $alt =~ s/ //g; $alt=1*$alt; } if($lat!=-9999999 && $lon !=-9999999){ $count++; if($lat0==-987654){ $lat0=$lat; $lon0=$lon; $daycount=0; $tim0=$tim; $day0=$day; } ## this not very scientific, byt must do for now ... $r=6370000; $northing=-floor(($lat-$lat0)/360*2*$pi*$r*100)/100; $easting=floor(($lon-$lon0)/360*2*$r*$pi *cos(abs($lat0)/180*$pi)*100)/100; if($day0 ne $day){ $day0 = $day; $daycount++; } $tim=$tim+$daycount*60*60*24-$tim0; if($Ga ne ''){ #($lon,$lat)=($lat,$lon); $lat0=$kaavao1y; $lon0=$kaavao1x; $north= (($lat-$lat0)/360*2*$pi*$r); $east= (($lon-$lon0)/360*2*$r*$pi *cos($lat0/180*$pi)); $easting = floor(100*($s1x+ ((($Ga*($east-$xnolla1) + $Gb*($north-$ynolla1))))))/100; $northing= -floor(100*($s1y+ ((($Gc*($north-$ynolla1) + $Gd*($east-$xnolla1))))))/100; } $GPSparam.="$tim,$easting,$northing;"; if($mineast>$easting){$mineast=$easting;} if($maxeast<$easting){$maxeast=$easting;} if($minnorth>$northing){$minnorth=$northing;} if($maxnorth<$northing){$maxnorth=$northing;} } } @ad=split(/\;/,$GPSparam); $GPSparam=''; foreach $pt (@ad){ @r=split(/\,/,$pt); if( $r[0]>$edtim){ if($edtim +60*60*2 < $r[0]){exit;} if($edtim ne '' && $edtim +1 < $r[0] ){ for($i=$edtim+1;$i<$r[0];$i++){ $tim=$i; $easting=floor(100*(($i-$edtim)/($r[0]-$edtim)*$r[1]+($r[0]-$i)/($r[0]-$edtim)*$edeast))/100; $northing=floor(100*(($i-$edtim)/($r[0]-$edtim)*$r[2]+($r[0]-$i)/($r[0]-$edtim)*$ednorth))/100; $GPSparam.="$tim,$easting,$northing;"; } } $GPSparam.=join(',',@r).";"; } $edtim=$r[0]; $edeast=$r[1]; $ednorth=$r[2]; } } # GPX if($d =~ /\/i && $d =~ /\/i){ # suunto xml ($pois,$d)=split(/\/i,$d,2); $out=''; @d=split(/\/i,$d); $lat0=-987654; foreach $rec (@d){ ($pois,$lat)=split(/Latitude\>/i,$rec,2); ($lat,$dat)=split(/\/i,$rec,2); ($lon,$dat)=split(/\/i,$rec,2); ($tim,$pois)=split(/\$easting){$mineast=$easting;} if($maxeast<$easting){$maxeast=$easting;} if($minnorth>$northing){$minnorth=$northing;} if($maxnorth<$northing){$maxnorth=$northing;} } } @ad=split(/\;/,$GPSparam); $GPSparam=''; foreach $pt (@ad){ @r=split(/\,/,$pt); if( $r[0]>$edtim){ if($edtim +60*60*2 < $r[0]){exit;} if($edtim ne '' && $edtim +1 < $r[0] ){ for($i=$edtim+1;$i<$r[0];$i++){ $tim=$i; $easting=floor(100*(($i-$edtim)/($r[0]-$edtim)*$r[1]+($r[0]-$i)/($r[0]-$edtim)*$edeast))/100; $northing=floor(100*(($i-$edtim)/($r[0]-$edtim)*$r[2]+($r[0]-$i)/($r[0]-$edtim)*$ednorth))/100; $GPSparam.="$tim,$easting,$northing;"; } } $GPSparam.=join(',',@r).";"; } $edtim=$r[0]; $edeast=$r[1]; $ednorth=$r[2]; } } @d=split(/\;/,$GPSparam); if(@d < 3){ print "No track points found. File format may not be correct. GPX and Suunto XML files are supported.

Reittiä ei saatu luettua. Tarkista, että tiedoto oli joko GPX tai Suunto XML tiedosto."; exit; } if($Ga eq ''){ # not if map is geo-referenced ### scale it to the center of the map $gpsdata=''; @d=split(/\;/,$GPSparam); $size=$imheight/($maxnorth-$minnorth); $side=$imheight; if($imwidth/($maxeast-$mineast)<$size){ $size=$imwidth/($maxeast-$mineast); $side=$imwidth; } foreach $rec (@d){ ($t,$e,$n)=split(/\,/,$rec); $e=floor(($side*0.1+($e-$mineast)*$size*0.8)*100)/100; $n=floor(($side*0.1+($n-$minnorth)*$size*0.8)*100)/100; $gpsdata.="$t,$e,$n;"; } }else{ $gpsdata=$GPSparam; } # geo locate event if($geolocateevent == 1){ open (SISAAN,"<$path/eventlocations.txt"); @elocat=; close(SISAAN); $posexist=0; foreach $eventl (@elocat){ ($enumb,$elat,$elon)=split(/\|/,$eventl); if($enumb == $eventid){ $posexist=1; } } if($posexist==0){ open (HANDLE,">>"."$path/eventlocations.txt"); &lock_file; print HANDLE $eventid."|".$lat0."|".$lon0."\n"; &unlock_file; close HANDLE; } } } ### GPS end open (SISAAN,"<$path/../mappage.html"); @page=; close(SISAAN); $page=join('',@page); $title="$eventname"; $notes= "$eventname



"; if($in{'touch'} ne '1' && $in{'gps'} ne '1'){ $notes.=">>Touch mode" } $notes =~ s/\"//gi; $notes =~ s/\\//gi; $page=~ s/#eventid#/${eventid}/gi; $page=~ s/#eventtype#/${tyyppi}/gi; $page=~ s/#eventname#/${eventname}/gi; $page=~ s/#mapid#/${karttaid}/gi; $page=~ s/#mapheight#/${imheight}/gi; $page=~ s/#mapwidth#/${imwidth}/gi; $page=~ s/#eventnotes#/${notes}/gi; $page=~ s/#title#/${title}/gi; $page=~ s/#httppath#/${httppath}/gi; $page=~ s/#ext#/${extension}/gi; $page=~ s/#GPSDATA#/${gpsdata}/; $page=~ s/#GPSSPLITS#/${GPSSPLITS}/; $GPSMODE=1*$GPSMODE; $page=~ s/#GPSMODE#/${GPSMODE}/; $page=~ s/#GPSRATA#/${gpsrata}/; $page=~ s/#GPSCLASS#/${gpsclass}/; $page=~ s/#GPSATHLETE#/${GPSATHLETE}/; if($in{'touch'} ne ''){ $viewport=""; $page=~ s/#viewport#/${viewport}/gi; $page=~ s/#touchmode#/1/gi; }else{ $page=~ s/#viewport#//gi; $page=~ s/#touchmode#/0/gi; } $page=~ s/#zip#/${archived}/gi; ### language parameters open (SISAAN,"<".$path."/../languages.txt"); binmode(SISAAN, ":utf8"); @terms=; close(SISAAN); $langs="\n"; foreach $rec (@terms) { chomp($rec); $rec=~ s/\n//g; $rec=~ s/\r//g; if($rec =~ /\=/ ){ ($name,$rec)=split(/\=/,$rec,2); ($pois,$text,$pois)=split(/\"/,$rec,3); $name=~ s/ //g; if($name =~ /\_/){ $term{$name}=$text; ($lang,$nro)=split(/\_/,$name); if($islang{$lang} eq ''){ $langs.="\n"; $islang{$lang}=1; } } } } ##### $lang=$in{'lang'}; if($lang eq ''){ $lang=$defaultlang; } for($i=0;$i<90;$i++){ $s='term_'.$i; $r=$term{$lang.'_'.$i}; if($term{$lang.'_'.$i} eq ''){ $r=$term{'eng_'.$i}; } $page=~ s/#${s}#/${r}/g; } $page=~ s/#languages#/${langs}/g; $page=~ s/#lang#/${lang}/g; ## disabling multiselect for ipad iphone if($ENV{HTTP_USER_AGENT} =~ /ipad/i || $ENV{HTTP_USER_AGENT} =~ /iphone/i){ $s='\(\"\#kilp\"\)\.MultiSelect'; $r='("#kilp_disabled").MultiSelect'; $page=~ s/${s}/${r}/; } #### print $page; exit; } ################################### if($in{'act'} eq 'jsclassescourses'){ $eventid=$in{'eventid'}*1; if($in{'zip'}==1){ if(-e $path."sarjat_$in{'eventid'}.txt.gz"){ require Compress::Zlib; import Compress::Zlib; $gz = gzopen($path."kommentit_".$eventid.".txt.gz", "rb"); $data='';while ($gz->gzreadline($_) > 0) {$data.=$_;}; $gz->gzclose(); @kommentit=split(/\n/,$data); $gz = gzopen($path."sarjat_".$eventid.".txt.gz", "rb"); $data='';while ($gz->gzreadline($_) > 0) {$data.=$_;}; $gz->gzclose(); @d=split(/\n/,$data); }else{ require IO::Uncompress::Unzip; import IO::Uncompress::Unzip; $zipfile = $path."archive.zip"; if(-e $path."archive_".$in{'eventid'}.".zip"){ $zipfile = $path."archive_".$in{'eventid'}.".zip"; } $u = new IO::Uncompress::Unzip $zipfile or die "Cannot open $zipfile: $UnzipError"; $status2=1; for ($status = 1; $status > 0 && $status2 == 1; $status = $u->nextStream()) { $prename=$name; $name = $u->getHeaderInfo()->{Name}; if($name eq "kommentit_$in{'eventid'}.txt"){ $data=''; while (($status = $u->read($buff)) > 0) { $data.=$buff; } @kommentit=split(/\n/,$data); } if($name eq "sarjat_$in{'eventid'}.txt"){ $data=''; while (($status = $u->read($buff)) > 0) { $data.=$buff; } @d=split(/\n/,$data); } if($prename eq $name){$status2=0;} } } }else{ open (SISAAN,"<$path"."kommentit_$in{'eventid'}.txt"); @kommentit=; close(SISAAN); open (SISAAN,"<".$path."sarjat_".$eventid.".txt"); @d=; close(SISAAN); } ## lasketaan montako piirrosta on missäkin sarjassa foreach $rec (@kommentit) { chomp($rec); ($idkilp,$id,$nimi,$aika,$kommentit)=split(/\|/,$rec); $i++; $lkm{$idkilp}++; } foreach $rec (@d) { chomp($rec); $rec =~ s/\"//g; $rec =~ s/\n//g; $rec =~ s/\r//g; @r=split(/\|/,$rec); $rec = "{\"$r[0]\":\"$r[1] (".(1*$lkm{$r[0]}).")\"}"; } print '['.join(',',@d)."]\n"; exit; } ###################################### if($in{'act'} eq 'jskilp'){ $in{'eventid'}=1*$in{'eventid'}; if($in{'zip'}==1){ if(-e $path."sarjat_$in{'eventid'}.txt.gz"){ require Compress::Zlib; import Compress::Zlib; $gz = gzopen($path."merkinnat_".$in{'eventid'}.".txt.gz", "rb"); $data='';while ($gz->gzreadline($_) > 0) {$data.=$_;}; $gz->gzclose(); @merkinnat=split(/\n/,$data); $gz = gzopen($path."kilpailijat_".$in{'eventid'}.".txt.gz", "rb"); $data='';while ($gz->gzreadline($_) > 0) {$data.=$_;}; $gz->gzclose(); @d=split(/\n/,$data); }else{ require IO::Uncompress::Unzip; import IO::Uncompress::Unzip; $zipfile = $path."archive.zip"; if(-e $path."archive_".$in{'eventid'}.".zip"){ $zipfile = $path."archive_".$in{'eventid'}.".zip"; } $u = new IO::Uncompress::Unzip $zipfile or die "Cannot open $zipfile: $UnzipError"; $status2=1; for ($status = 1; $status > 0 && $status2 == 1; $status = $u->nextStream()) { $prename=$name; $name = $u->getHeaderInfo()->{Name}; if($name eq "merkinnat_$in{'eventid'}.txt"){ $data=''; while (($status = $u->read($buff)) > 0) { $data.=$buff; } @merkinnat=split(/\n/,$data); } if($name eq "kilpailijat_$in{'eventid'}.txt"){ $data=''; while (($status = $u->read($buff)) > 0) { $data.=$buff; } @d=split(/\n/,$data); } if($prename eq $name){$status2=0;} } } }else{ open (SISAAN,"<$path"."merkinnat_$in{'eventid'}.txt"); @merkinnat=; close(SISAAN); open (SISAAN,"<$path"."kilpailijat_$in{'eventid'}.txt"); @d=; close(SISAAN); } ## tarkistetan piirtäneet tähtimerkintää varten foreach $rec (@merkinnat) { chomp($rec); ($idkilp,$id,$nimi,$aika,$viivat,$rastit)=split(/\|/,$rec); $tahti{$id}="*"; } ### foreach $rec (@d) { chomp($rec); ($id,$sarjanro,$sarja,$nimi,$laika,$aika,$sijahajonta,$tulos,$valiajat)=split(/\|/,$rec); if($sarjanro eq $in{'sarja'} || ($in{'sarja'} eq '99999' && $tahti{$id} eq '*')){ if($in{'eventtype'} ne '3'){ $out[$#out+1] ="{\"$id\":\"$tahti{$id}$sijahajonta $nimi $tulos \"}"; }else{ $out[$#out+1] = "{\"$id\":\"$tahti{$id} $nimi $tulos;$sijahajonta\"}"; } } } $out= '['.join(',',@out)."]\n"; $out=~ s/\r//g; utf8::decode($out); print $out; exit; } ##################### ######################################### if($in{'act'} eq 'jskilppiirto'){ $sarja=1*$in{'sarja'}; $eventid=$in{'eventid'}*1; open (SISAAN,"<".$path."kilpailijat_".$eventid.".txt"); @d=; close(SISAAN); foreach $rec (@d) { chomp($rec); $rec =~ s/\"//g; $rec =~ s/\n//g; $rec =~ s/\r//g; @r=split(/\|/,$rec); if($r[1] == $sarja && $r[1] < 50000 ){ $out[$#out+1] = "{\"$r[0]\":\"$r[3]\"}"; } } $out='['.join(',',@out)."]\n"; utf8::decode($out); print $out; exit; } ##################################################################################### if($in{'act'} eq 'jsreitit'){ ## tästä appletti lataa viivat $in{'eventid'}=1*$in{'eventid'}; if($in{'zip'}==1){ if(-e $path."sarjat_$in{'eventid'}.txt.gz"){ require Compress::Zlib; import Compress::Zlib; $gz = gzopen($path."merkinnat_".$in{'eventid'}.".txt.gz", "rb"); $data='';while ($gz->gzreadline($_) > 0) {$data.=$_;}; $gz->gzclose(); @merkinnat=split(/\n/,$data); $gz = gzopen($path."kilpailijat_".$in{'eventid'}.".txt.gz", "rb"); $data='';while ($gz->gzreadline($_) > 0) {$data.=$_;}; $gz->gzclose(); @kilpailijat=split(/\n/,$data); $gz = gzopen($path."ratapisteet_".$in{'eventid'}.".txt.gz", "rb"); $data='';while ($gz->gzreadline($_) > 0) {$data.=$_;}; $gz->gzclose(); @d=split(/\n/,$data); }else{ require IO::Uncompress::Unzip; import IO::Uncompress::Unzip; $zipfile = $path."archive.zip"; if(-e $path."archive_".$in{'eventid'}.".zip"){ $zipfile = $path."archive_".$in{'eventid'}.".zip"; } $u = new IO::Uncompress::Unzip $zipfile or die "Cannot open $zipfile: $UnzipError"; $status2=1; for ($status = 1; $status > 0 && $status2 == 1; $status = $u->nextStream()) { $prename=$name; $name = $u->getHeaderInfo()->{Name}; if($name eq "merkinnat_$in{'eventid'}.txt"){ $data=''; while (($status = $u->read($buff)) > 0) { $data.=$buff; } @merkinnat=split(/\n/,$data); } if($name eq "kilpailijat_$in{'eventid'}.txt"){ $data=''; while (($status = $u->read($buff)) > 0) { $data.=$buff; } @kilpailijat=split(/\n/,$data); } if($name eq "ratapisteet_$in{'eventid'}.txt"){ $data=''; while (($status = $u->read($buff)) > 0) { $data.=$buff; } @d=split(/\n/,$data); } if($prename eq $name){$status2=0;} } } }else{ open(SISAAN, "<".$path."kilpailijat_$in{'eventid'}.txt"); @kilpailijat=; close(SISAAN); open(SISAAN, "<".$path."ratapisteet_$in{'eventid'}.txt"); @d=; close(SISAAN); open (SISAAN,"<$path"."merkinnat_$in{'eventid'}.txt"); @merkinnat=; close(SISAAN); } $gpsid=','; @temp=split(/\,/,$in{'kilp'}); foreach $rec (@temp){ if($rec > 50000){ $rec=$rec-50000; $gpsid.=$rec.','; } } $kilp=','.join(',',@temp).','; $in{'kilp'}=','.$in{'kilp'}.','; foreach $rec (@kilpailijat){ chomp($rec); ($id,$sarjanro,$sarjanimi,$nimi,$laika,$aika,$haj,$tulos,$valiajat,$GPSa)=split(/\|/,$rec); $s=','.${id}.','; if($kilp=~ /${s}/){ $valiajat=~ s/\r//g; $valiajat=~ s/\n//g; $valiajat{''.$id}=$valiajat; $valiajat{''.($id+50000)}=$valiajat; $hajonta{''.$id}=$haj; } if($in{'kilp'}=~ /${s}/){ $GPSa{''.$id}=$GPSa; } } foreach $rec (@d){ chomp($rec); ($id,$rastit)=split(/\|/,$rec,2); $rpisteet{''.$id}=$rastit; } { $i=0;$loytyi=0; foreach $rec (@merkinnat) { chomp($rec); ($idkilp,$id,$nimi,$aika,$viivat,$rastit)=split(/\|/,$rec); $i++; $s=','.$id.','; if ($in{'kilp'} =~ /${s}/){ $i++; $viivat =~ s/R//g; $viivat =~ s/#//g; $viivat=~ s/N//; if($id < 50000){ if($in{'eventtype'} == 3){ foreach $rasti (split(/N/,$rpisteet{''.$hajonta{''.$id}})){ $viivat =~s/N${rasti}N/N${rasti}C${rasti}N/; } }else{ foreach $rasti (split(/N/,$rpisteet{$idkilp})){ $viivat =~s/N${rasti}N/N${rasti}C${rasti}N/; } } $out{$id}= "\{\"$id\":\"".$valiajat{''.$id}."S".$viivat."\"}"; }else{ # gps leg splitting @temp=split(/\;/,$valiajat{''.$id}); @ani=split(/N/,$GPSa{''.$id}); $vout=''; foreach $sp (@temp){ $i=0; while($i>-1 && $i<20){ $C=$ani[floor($sp/3)+$i]; $i++; ($C,$pois)=split(/\,/,$C); if($viivat =~ /N${C}N/){ ($a,$b)=split(/N${C}N/,$viivat,2); $vout.=$a.'N'.$C.'C'.$C.'N'; $viivat =$b; $i=-1; } } #$viivat =~s/N${C}N/N${C}C${C}N/; } if($vout eq ''){ $out{$id}= "\{\"$id\":\"".$valiajat{''.$id}."S".$viivat."\"}"; }else{ $out{$id}= "\{\"$id\":\"".$valiajat{''.$id}."S".$vout.$b."\"}"; } } } } } print "["; $count=0; foreach $id (reverse(split(/\,/,$in{'kilp'}))){ if($out{$id} ne ''){ if($count>0){print ",";} $out{$id}=~ s/\r//g; print $out{$id}; $count++; } } print "]\n"; exit; } #####################################3 if($in{'act'} eq 'jsradat'){ $in{'eventid'}=1*$in{'eventid'}; if($in{'zip'}==1){ if(-e $path."sarjat_$in{'eventid'}.txt.gz"){ require Compress::Zlib; import Compress::Zlib; $gz = gzopen($path."radat_".$in{'eventid'}.".txt.gz", "rb"); $data='';while ($gz->gzreadline($_) > 0) {$data.=$_;}; $gz->gzclose(); @d=split(/\n/,$data); }else{ require IO::Uncompress::Unzip; import IO::Uncompress::Unzip; $zipfile = $path."archive.zip"; if(-e $path."archive_".$in{'eventid'}.".zip"){ $zipfile = $path."archive_".$in{'eventid'}.".zip"; } $u = new IO::Uncompress::Unzip $zipfile or die "Cannot open $zipfile: $UnzipError"; $status2=1; for ($status = 1; $status > 0 && $status2 == 1; $status = $u->nextStream()) { $prename=$name; $name = $u->getHeaderInfo()->{Name}; if($name eq "radat_$in{'eventid'}.txt"){ $data=''; while (($status = $u->read($buff)) > 0) { $data.=$buff; } @d=split(/\n/,$data); } if($prename eq $name){$status2=0;} } } }else{ open (SISAAN,"<$path"."radat_$in{'eventid'}.txt"); @d=; close(SISAAN); } if($in{"hajonnat"} ne''){ $in{"hajonnat"}=','.join(',',&uniq(split(/\,/,$in{"hajonnat"}))).','; $in{"hajonnat"}=','.$in{"hajonnat"}.','; foreach $rec (@d){ chomp($rec); ($id,$status,$nimi,$viivat)=split(/\|/,$rec); if (index($in{"hajonnat"},','.$id.',')>-1){ $viivat =~ s/R//g; $viivat =~ s/#//g; @tmp=split(/N/,$viivat); $viivat=''; foreach $e (@tmp){ if($yes{$e} eq ''){ $yes{$e}=1; $viivat.='N'.$e; } } $out.= "$viivat"."N"; } } }else{#henk koht foreach $rec (@d){ chomp($rec); ($id,$status,$nimi,$viivat)=split(/\|/,$rec); if ($in{"sarja"} == $id || $in{"sarja"} eq '99999'){ $viivat =~ s/R//g; $viivat =~ s/#//g; if($in{"sarja"} ne '99999'){ $out.= "$viivat"."N"; }else{ #$out.= "$viivat"."N"; #$count++; @tmp=split(/N/,$viivat); $viivat=''; foreach $e (@tmp){ if($yes{$e} eq ''){ $yes{$e}=1; $viivat.='N'.$e; } } $out.= "$viivat"."N"; } } } }# henkkoht moodi if($in{"sarja"} eq '99999'){ ## vain ympyrät kaikkien ratojen systeemiin if($count > 10){ @d=split(/N/,$out); $out=''; foreach $rec (@d){ ($type,$rest)=split(/\;/,$rec,2); if($e{$rec} eq'' && $type eq '1'){ $e{$rec}=1; $out.=$rec."N"; } } } } $out=~ s/\r//g; print "[{\"courses\":\"$out\"}]\n"; exit; } ############################### if($in{'act'} eq 'jsanim'){ $in{'eventid'}=1*$in{'eventid'}; if($in{'zip'}==1){ if(-e $path."sarjat_$in{'eventid'}.txt.gz"){ require Compress::Zlib; import Compress::Zlib; $gz = gzopen($path."merkinnat_".$in{'eventid'}.".txt.gz", "rb"); $data='';while ($gz->gzreadline($_) > 0) {$data.=$_;}; $gz->gzclose(); @merkinnat=split(/\n/,$data); $gz = gzopen($path."kilpailijat_".$in{'eventid'}.".txt.gz", "rb"); $data='';while ($gz->gzreadline($_) > 0) {$data.=$_;}; $gz->gzclose(); @kilpailijat=split(/\n/,$data); $gz = gzopen($path."ratapisteet_".$in{'eventid'}.".txt.gz", "rb"); $data='';while ($gz->gzreadline($_) > 0) {$data.=$_;}; $gz->gzclose(); @ratap=split(/\n/,$data); }else{ require IO::Uncompress::Unzip; import IO::Uncompress::Unzip; $zipfile = $path."archive.zip"; if(-e $path."archive_".$in{'eventid'}.".zip"){ $zipfile = $path."archive_".$in{'eventid'}.".zip"; } $u = new IO::Uncompress::Unzip $zipfile or die "Cannot open $zipfile: $UnzipError"; $status2=1; for ($status = 1; $status > 0 && $status2 == 1; $status = $u->nextStream()) { $prename=$name; $name = $u->getHeaderInfo()->{Name}; if($name eq "merkinnat_$in{'eventid'}.txt"){ $data=''; while (($status = $u->read($buff)) > 0) { $data.=$buff; } @merkinnat=split(/\n/,$data); } if($name eq "kilpailijat_$in{'eventid'}.txt"){ $data=''; while (($status = $u->read($buff)) > 0) { $data.=$buff; } @kilpailijat=split(/\n/,$data); } if($name eq "ratapisteet_$in{'eventid'}.txt"){ $data=''; while (($status = $u->read($buff)) > 0) { $data.=$buff; } @ratap=split(/\n/,$data); } if($prename eq $name){$status2=0;} } } }else{ open(SISAAN, "<".$path."ratapisteet_$in{'eventid'}.txt"); @ratap=; close(SISAAN); open (SISAAN,"<$path"."merkinnat_$in{'eventid'}.txt"); @merkinnat=; close(SISAAN); open (SISAAN,"<".$path."kilpailijat_$in{'eventid'}.txt"); @kilpailijat=; close(SISAAN); } #### open (SISAAN,"<".$path."kisat.txt"); @kisat=; close(SISAAN); foreach $rec (@ratap){ chomp($rec); ($id,$rastit)=split(/\|/,$rec,2); $rpisteet{$id}=$rastit; } # Tästä apletti pyytää animaatiopisteet $raika=3; ## step - aika sekunteina $viesti=0; foreach $rec (@kisat) { chomp($rec); ($id,$karttaid,$tyyppi,$nimi)=split(/\|/,$rec); if($id==$in{'eventid'} && $tyyppi ==3){ $viesti=1; } } ## haetaan suora reitti foreach $rec (@ratap){ chomp($rec); ($id,$data)=split(/\|/,$rec,2); @temp=split(/N/,$data); $data=""; foreach $recb (@temp){ chomp($recb); ($x,$y)=split(/\;/,$recb,2); $data=$data.($x).";".($y)."N"; } $suorareitti{$id}=$data; ($pis,$data)=split(/N/,$data,2); $suorarastit{$id}=$data; } ## suora reitti ok $gpsid=','; @temp=split(/\,/,$in{'kilp'}); foreach $rec (@temp){ if($rec > 50000){ $rec=$rec-50000; $gpsid.=$rec.','; } } $in{'kilp'}=','.$in{'kilp'}.','; ## haetaan valiajat $kilp=1;$laikaMin=99999999; $ok=0; foreach $rec (@kilpailijat){ chomp($rec); ($id,$sarjanro,$sarjanimi,$nimi,$laika,$aika,$sija,$tulos,$valiajat,$GPSa)=split(/\|/,$rec); $s=','.$id.','; if($in{'kilp'} =~ /${s}/){ $kilp=$id; if($lahtoaika[$kilp] eq ''){ $lahtoaika[$kilp]=$laika; }else{ $laika=$lahtoaika[$kilp]; } $lahtoaika[$kilp]=$laika; if($laika<$laikaMin && $laika eq $laika+0){ $laikaMin=$laika; } if($vajat[$kilp] eq ''){ $vajat[$kilp]=$valiajat; } $gpsani[$kilp]=$GPSa; $srj{$kilp}=$sarjanro; if($viesti ==1){ $srj{$kilp}=$sija; } $ok=1; } if($gpsid =~ /${s}/){ $vajat[$id+50000]=$valiajat; $lahtoaika[$id+50000]=$laika; } } if($ok==0){exit;} # valiajat nyt muuttujassa $vajat[] $kilp=1; { $ok=0; foreach $rec (@merkinnat){ chomp($rec); ($idkilp,$id,$nimi,$aika,$viivat,$rastit)=split(/\|/,$rec); $s=','.$id.','; if($in{'kilp'} =~ /${s}/){ $kilp=$id; $viiva[$kilp]=$viivat; $rast[$kilp]=$rastit; $ok=1; } } } ## nyt on valiajat, reittipiirros ja rastipisteet selvillä ## nyt lasketaan animaatioille pisteet ## tämä pitäisi tehdä clientissä serveriä säästääksemme, mutta ## ei nyt jaksa javalla väsätä, ehkä sitten joskus $kilp=1; #while($in{"k".$kilp} ne''){ @kilp=split(/\,/,$in{'kilp'}); foreach $kilp (@kilp){ if($kilp ne ''){ if($viiva[$kilp] eq ''){ # ei ollut piirtänyt, tilalle suora reitti $viiva[$kilp]="N".$suorareitti{$srj{$kilp}}; $rast[$kilp]="N".$suorarastit{$srj{$kilp}}; #exit; } $aikasiirto=0; if($kilp<50000){ $out= ''.$lahtoaika[$kilp].';'.($lahtoaika[$kilp]-$laikaMin).'H'; @reitti=split(/N/,$viiva[$kilp]); @valiajat=split(/\;/,$vajat[$kilp]); @rastit=split(/N/,$rast[$kilp]); $i=0; $viiva[$kilp]=$viiva[$kilp]."N"; $viivatemp=""; foreach $rec (@rastit){ $i++; if($rec ne ""){ $j="NC".$i."N";$k="N".$rec."N"; ($temp,$viiva[$kilp])=split(/${k}/,$viiva[$kilp],2); $viiva[$kilp]="N".$viiva[$kilp]; $viivatemp=$viivatemp.$temp.$j; } } $viiva[$kilp]=$viivatemp; $i=0; foreach $rec (@rastit){ $i++;$j="NC".$i."N";$k="N".$rec.'|'.$rec."N"; $viiva[$kilp]=~ s/${j}/${k}/; } $viiva[$kilp]=~ s/^\|//; $viiva[$kilp]=~ s/NN/N/g; $viiva[$kilp]=~ s/NN/N/g; $viiva[$kilp]=~ s/NN/N/g; @rastivalit=split(/\|/,$viiva[$kilp]); $ulos=join("\n",@rastivalit); $i=0; $matkasiirto=0; foreach $rec (@rastivalit){ $rec=~ s/^N//; $matkasiirto=0; $i++; } $i_rastit=0; $i_reitti=0; $i_valiajat=0; $i_piste=0; $aika=0; $matka=0; while ($valiajat[$i_rastit] ne '' && ($i_rastit==0 || $valiajat[$i_rastit]>$valiajat[$i_rastit-1])){ $rastivalit[$i_rastit]=~ s/^N//; @viivab=split(/N/,$rastivalit[$i_rastit]); # lasketaan pituus $x0=0; $y0=0; $pituus=0; $i=0; $lisaaika=0; foreach $rec (@viivab){ ($x1,$y1)=split(/\;/,$rec); if($i>0){ $pituus=$pituus+sqrt(($x0-$x1)*($x0-$x1)+($y0-$y1)*($y0-$y1)); if($x0 == $x1 && $y0 == $y1){ ## 2 peräkkäistä klikkausta = pysähdys 3 sec $lisaaika=$lisaaika+3; } } $x0=$x1;$y0=$y1; $i++; } $valiaika=$valiajat[$i_rastit]-$valiajat[$i_rastit-1]; if($i_rastit==0){ $valiaika=$valiajat[$i_rastit]; } ## hyomioidaan pysähdykset $valiaika=$valiaika-$lisaaika; if($valiaika ==0 || $valiaika<0 ){ $valiaika=0.00001; } $step=($pituus/($valiaika/$raika)); $matkasiirto=$aikasiirto*$step; # pisteet polylinen varrelle $i=0;$seis=0; foreach $rec (@viivab){ ($x1,$y1)=split(/\;/,$rec); if($i>0){ if($x0 == $x1 && $y0 == $y1){ $seis++; ## ei kahta peräkkäistä klikkausta samaan pisteeseen }else{ $plkm=1; while($matka+$step*$plkm-$matkasiirto < $matka+sqrt(($x0-$x1)*($x0-$x1)+($y0-$y1)*($y0-$y1))){ $i_piste++; #lasketaan animaatioreittipiste $ax=floor((($step*$plkm-$matkasiirto)*$x1+$x0*(sqrt(($x0-$x1)*($x0-$x1)+($y0-$y1)*($y0-$y1))-($step*$plkm-$matkasiirto)))/(sqrt(($x0-$x1)*($x0-$x1)+($y0-$y1)*($y0-$y1)))); $ay=floor((($step*$plkm-$matkasiirto)*$y1+$y0*(sqrt(($x0-$x1)*($x0-$x1)+($y0-$y1)*($y0-$y1))-($step*$plkm-$matkasiirto)))/(sqrt(($x0-$x1)*($x0-$x1)+($y0-$y1)*($y0-$y1)))); $info=""; $out.= "$ax;".$ay.",".$info."N"; if($seis > 0){ for($ii=0;$ii<$seis;$ii++){ $out.= "$ax;$ay,".$info."N"; } $seis=0; } $plkm++; } $matkasiirto=$matka+sqrt(($x0-$x1)*($x0-$x1)+($y0-$y1)*($y0-$y1))-($matka+$step*($plkm-1)-$matkasiirto); $matka=$matka+sqrt(($x0-$x1)*($x0-$x1)+($y0-$y1)*($y0-$y1)); $aikasiirto=$matkasiirto/$step*1; } } $x0=$x1;$y0=$y1; $i++; } $i_rastit++; } }else{ ## gps animaatip #$out.= "0;0;0,0N"; $out= ''.$lahtoaika[$kilp].';'.($lahtoaika[$kilp]-$laikaMin).'H'; if($out =~/\0){print ",";} $out{$id} =~ s/\r//g; print $out{$id}; $count++; } } print "]\n"; exit; } if($in{'act'} eq 'jskommentit'){ $in{'eventid'}=1*$in{'eventid'}; $archived=0; if($in{'eventid'}!=0 && (-e $path."archive.zip" || -e $path."archive_".$in{'eventid'}.".zip" || -e $path."sarjat_$in{'eventid'}.txt.gz") && !(-e $path."sarjat_$in{'eventid'}.txt")){ if(-e $path."sarjat_$in{'eventid'}.txt.gz"){ require Compress::Zlib; import Compress::Zlib; $archived=1; $gz = gzopen($path."kommentit_".$in{'eventid'}.".txt.gz", "rb"); $data='';while ($gz->gzreadline($_) > 0) {$data.=$_;}; $gz->gzclose(); @kommentit=split(/\n/,$data); }else{ require IO::Uncompress::Unzip; import IO::Uncompress::Unzip; $zipfile = $path."archive.zip"; if(-e $path."archive_".$in{'eventid'}.".zip"){ $zipfile = $path."archive_".$in{'eventid'}.".zip"; } $u = new IO::Uncompress::Unzip $zipfile or die "Cannot open $zipfile: $UnzipError"; $status2=1; for ($status = 1; $status > 0 && $status2 == 1; $status = $u->nextStream()) { $prename=$name; $name = $u->getHeaderInfo()->{Name}; if($name eq "kommentit_$in{'eventid'}.txt"){ $archived=1; $data=''; while (($status = $u->read($buff)) > 0) { $data.=$buff; } @kommentit=split(/\n/,$data); } if($prename eq $name){$status2=0;} } #print "#$name $status "; if($archived==0){ # such event does not exists exit; } } } if($archived==0){ open (SISAAN,"<$path"."kommentit_$in{'eventid'}.txt"); @kommentit=; close(SISAAN); } $in{'kilp'}=','.$in{'kilp'}.','; $i=0; foreach $rec (@kommentit) { chomp($rec); ($idkilp,$id,$nimi,$aika,$kommentit)=split(/\|/,$rec); $i++; $s=','.${id}.','; if($in{'kilp'}=~ /${s}/){ $kommentit =~ s/#nl#/\\n/g; $kommentit =~ s/#cr#//g; $out{$id}= "{\"$#out\":\"\\n\\n$nimi:\\n".$kommentit."
\"}"; } } ### print "["; $count=0; foreach $id ((split(/\,/,$in{'kilp'}))){ if($out{$id} ne ''){ if($count>0){print ",";} $out{$id} =~ s/\r//g; utf8::decode($out{$id}); print $out{$id}; $count++; } } print "]\n"; exit; } ################################################### if ($in{"act"} eq "splitsbrowserjs"){ open (SISAAN,"<".$path."kisat.txt"); @kartat=; close(SISAAN); $viesti=0; foreach $rec (@kartat) { chomp($rec); ($id,$karttaid,$tyyppi,$nimi,$paiva,$org,$level,$info,$compression)=split(/\|/,$rec); if($id==$in{'id'}){ $eventname='SplitsBrowser - '.$nimi; } } open (SISAAN,"<$path/../splitsbrowser/splits-graph-template.html"); @page=; close(SISAAN); $page=join('',@page); $dataurl='reitti.'.$extension.'?act=splitsbrowsercsv&id='.$in{'id'}; $s='url/to/some/event/data'; $page=~ s/${s}/${dataurl}/gi; $page=~ s/Page title/${eventname}/i; $page=~ s/#httppath#/${httppath}/gi; print $page; exit; } ################ ratapisteet #################### if ($in{"act"} eq "jsratapisteet"){ $in{'eventid'}=1*$in{'eventid'}; if($in{'zip'}==1){ if(-e $path."sarjat_$in{'eventid'}.txt.gz"){ require Compress::Zlib; import Compress::Zlib; $gz = gzopen($path."ratapisteet_".$in{'eventid'}.".txt.gz", "rb"); $data='';while ($gz->gzreadline($_) > 0) {$data.=$_;}; $gz->gzclose(); @d=split(/\n/,$data); }else{ require IO::Uncompress::Unzip; import IO::Uncompress::Unzip; $zipfile = $path."archive.zip"; if(-e $path."archive_".$in{'eventid'}.".zip"){ $zipfile = $path."archive_".$in{'eventid'}.".zip"; } $u = new IO::Uncompress::Unzip $zipfile or die "Cannot open $zipfile: $UnzipError"; $status2=1; for ($status = 1; $status > 0 && $status2 == 1; $status = $u->nextStream()) { $prename=$name; $name = $u->getHeaderInfo()->{Name}; if($name eq "ratapisteet_$in{'eventid'}.txt"){ $data=''; while (($status = $u->read($buff)) > 0) { $data.=$buff; } @d=split(/\n/,$data); } if($prename eq $name){$status2=0;} } } }else{ open (SISAAN,"<$path"."ratapisteet_$in{'eventid'}.txt"); @d=; close(SISAAN); } ## tästä appletti kysyy radan ratapiirrokset foreach $rec (@d){ chomp($rec); ($id,$pisteet)=split(/\|/,$rec); $pisteet=~ s/\r//g; $pisteet=~ s/\n//g; if ($in{"course"} == $id ){ print "[{\"1\":\"$pisteet\"}]\n"; } } exit; } ############################### if($in{'act'} eq 'jsvaliajat'){ $sarja=1*$in{'sarja'}; $eventid=$in{'eventid'}*1; if($in{'zip'}==1){ if(-e $path."sarjat_$in{'eventid'}.txt.gz"){ require Compress::Zlib; import Compress::Zlib; $gz = gzopen($path."merkinnat_".$in{'eventid'}.".txt.gz", "rb"); $data='';while ($gz->gzreadline($_) > 0) {$data.=$_;}; $gz->gzclose(); @merkinnat=split(/\n/,$data); $gz = gzopen($path."kilpailijat_".$in{'eventid'}.".txt.gz", "rb"); $data='';while ($gz->gzreadline($_) > 0) {$data.=$_;}; $gz->gzclose(); @kilpailijat=split(/\n/,$data); }else{ require IO::Uncompress::Unzip; import IO::Uncompress::Unzip; $zipfile = $path."archive.zip"; if(-e $path."archive_".$in{'eventid'}.".zip"){ $zipfile = $path."archive_".$in{'eventid'}.".zip"; } $u = new IO::Uncompress::Unzip $zipfile or die "Cannot open $zipfile: $UnzipError"; $status2=1; for ($status = 1; $status > 0 && $status2 == 1; $status = $u->nextStream()) { $prename=$name; $name = $u->getHeaderInfo()->{Name}; if($name eq "merkinnat_$in{'eventid'}.txt"){ $data=''; while (($status = $u->read($buff)) > 0) { $data.=$buff; } @merkinnat=split(/\n/,$data); } if($name eq "kilpailijat_$in{'eventid'}.txt"){ $data=''; while (($status = $u->read($buff)) > 0) { $data.=$buff; } @kilpailijat=split(/\n/,$data); } if($prename eq $name){$status2=0;} } } }else{ open (SISAAN,"<$path"."merkinnat_$in{'eventid'}.txt"); @merkinnat=; close(SISAAN); open (SISAAN,"<".$path."kilpailijat_$in{'eventid'}.txt"); @kilpailijat=; close(SISAAN); } $gpsid=','; @temp=split(/\,/,$in{'kilp'}); foreach $rec (@temp){ if($rec > 50000){ $rec=$rec-50000; $gpsid.=$rec.','; } } $in{'kilp'}=','.$in{'kilp'}.','; $kilp=','.join(',',@temp).','; $nro=1;$otsikko=">>SplitsBrowser"; foreach $rec (@kilpailijat){ chomp($rec); ($id,$sarjanro,$sarjanimi,$nimi,$laika,$aika,$sija,$tulos,$valiajat)=split(/\|/,$rec); $s=','.${id}.','; if($kilp=~ /${s}/){#$id eq $in{'k'.$nro} && @splits=split(/\;/,$valiajat); if($in{'kilp'} =~ /${s}/){ $old=0; if($nro==1){ $i=1; } $j=-1; $nimi=~ s/ /\ \;/g; $ulos="".$nimi.""; foreach $rec (@splits){ chomp($rec); if($nro==1){ $otsikko=$otsikko."".$i.""; $i++; } $j++; $min=floor(($rec-$old)/60); $sec=($rec-$old)-60*floor(($rec-$old)/60); if ($sec <10){$sec='0'.$sec;} $old=$rec; $ulos=$ulos."$min.$sec"; } if($nro==1){ $out.= "$otsikko\n"; } $out.= "$ulos"; if($i==$j){ $out.= "$nimi\n"; } $nro++; }## nogps if($gpsid =~ /${s}/){ $old=0; if($nro==1){ $i=1; } $j=-1; $nimi=~ s/ /\ \;/g; $ulos="GPS ".$nimi.""; foreach $rec (@splits){ chomp($rec); if($nro==1){ $otsikko=$otsikko."".$i.""; $i++; } $j++; $min=floor(($rec-$old)/60); $sec=($rec-$old)-60*floor(($rec-$old)/60); if ($sec <10){$sec='0'.$sec;} $old=$rec; $ulos=$ulos."$min.$sec"; } if($nro==1){ $out.= "$otsikko\n"; } $out.= "$ulos"; if($i==$j){ $out.= "GPS $nimi\n"; } } $nro++; } } #$out.= "$otsikko\n"; #$out.= "\n Route lengths (in pixels) \n"; #$out.= "$otsikko------\n"; ### open (SISAAN,"<".$path."kisat.txt"); @kartat=; close(SISAAN); $viesti=0; foreach $rec (@kartat) { chomp($rec); ($id,$karttaid,$tyyppi,$nimi)=split(/\|/,$rec,4); if($id==$in{'eventid'} && $tyyppi ==3){ $viesti=1; } } $kilp=1; { $ok=0; foreach $rec (@merkinnat){ chomp($rec); ($idkilp,$id,$nimi,$aika,$viivat,$rastit)=split(/\|/,$rec); $s=','.${id}.','; if($id < 50000 && $in{'kilp'}=~ /${s}/){ $viiva[$kilp]=$viivat; $rast[$kilp]=$rastit; $nim[$kilp]=$nimi; $ok=1; } } } ## nyt onreittipiirros ja rastipisteet selvillä $kilp=1; while($in{"k".$kilp} ne''){ if($viiva[$kilp] ne ''){ $out.= substr($nim[$kilp]." ",0,20); if($in{"k".$kilp}<100000){ @reitti=split(/N/,$viiva[$kilp]); @rastit=split(/N/,$rast[$kilp]); $i=0; $viiva[$kilp]=$viiva[$kilp]."N"; $viivatemp=""; foreach $rec (@rastit){ $i++; if($rec ne ""){ $j="NC".$i."N";$k="N".$rec."N"; ($temp,$viiva[$kilp])=split(/${k}/,$viiva[$kilp],2); $viiva[$kilp]="N".$viiva[$kilp]; $viivatemp.=$temp.$j; } } $viiva[$kilp]=$viivatemp; $i=0; foreach $rec (@rastit){ $i++;$j="NC".$i."N";$k="N".$rec.'|'.$rec."N"; $viiva[$kilp]=~ s/${j}/${k}/; } $viiva[$kilp]=~ s/^\|//; $viiva[$kilp]=~ s/NN/N/g; $viiva[$kilp]=~ s/NN/N/g; $viiva[$kilp]=~ s/NN/N/g; @rastivalit=split(/\|/,$viiva[$kilp]); $ulos=join("\n",@rastivalit); $i=0; foreach $rec (@rastivalit){ $rec=~ s/^N//; } $i_rastit=0; $i_reitti=0; $i_piste=0; $aika=0; $matka=0; $totpit=0; foreach $rc (@rastivalit){ $rastivalit[$i_rastit]=~ s/^N//; @viivab=split(/N/,$rastivalit[$i_rastit]); # lasketaan pituus $x0=0; $y0=0; $pituus=0; $i=0; foreach $rec (@viivab){ ($x1,$y1)=split(/\;/,$rec); if($i>0){ $pituus=$pituus+sqrt(($x0-$x1)*($x0-$x1)+($y0-$y1)*($y0-$y1)); }else{ $alkux=$x1;$alkuy=$y1; } $x0=$x1;$y0=$y1; $i++; } if($alkux !=$x1 && $alkuy !=$y1){ #print substr((floor($pituus/sqrt(($alkux-$x1)*($alkux-$x1)+($alkuy-$y1)*($alkuy-$y1))*1000)/10).' ',0,5).' '; #print substr((($pituus-sqrt(($alkux-$x1)*($alkux-$x1)+($alkuy-$y1)*($alkuy-$y1)))).' ',0,5).' '; #$out.= substr(floor($pituus).' ',0,5).' '; $totpit+=$pituus; }else{ #$out.= ' '; } $i_rastit++; } } #$out.= ' '.floor($totpit).' '.$nim[$kilp]."\n"; }else{ #print "\n"; } } ### $out=~ s/\"//g; $out=~ s/\n//g; utf8::decode($out); print "[{\"1\":\"$out
\"}]\n"; exit; } sub uniq { my %seen = (); my @r = (); foreach my $a (@_) { unless ($seen{$a}) { push @r, $a; $seen{$a} = 1; } } return @r; } # ImageSize.pl # # This code is Copyright 2003,2007 Tony Lewis . # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free # Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) # any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for # more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with # this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. # ################################################################################ # Return the size of an image (width, height) # # my ($width, $height, $format) = ImageSize($filePath) # # If the return values are negative, an error occurred. Each combination of # values indicates a specific error. # # The first number indicates an open error or which image type failed: # -1 open or read header of image file failed # -2 GIF failure # -3 JPG failure # -4 BMP failure # -5 PNG failure # # The second number indicates the specific error that occurred. (See the code # for the meanings of the various combinations. # ################################################################################ sub ImageSize { my ($path) = @_; my ($w, $h, $w1, $w2, $w3, $w4, $h1, $h2, $h3, $h4, $header, $marker, $skip, $len, $len1, $len2); # Guess the format from the file extension my ($format) = $path =~ m/\.(...)$/; $format = lc($format); open IMGSIZEF, "$path" or return (-1,-1,$format); # Override the guessed format if header indicates the type of file return ImageSizeCloseF(-1,-2,$format) if read(IMGSIZEF, $header, 8) < 8; $format = "gif" if substr($header,0,6) eq "GIF87a" || substr($header,0,6) eq "GIF89a"; $format = "jpg" if substr($header,0,2) eq "\xff\xd8"; $format = "bmp" if substr($header,0,2) eq "BM"; $format = "png" if substr($header,0,8) eq "\x89PNG\r\n\x1A\n"; seek(IMGSIZEF,0,0); ############ GIF if ($format eq "gif") { return ImageSizeCloseF(-2,-1,$format) if read(IMGSIZEF, $header, 6) < 6; return ImageSizeCloseF(-2,-2,$format) if $header ne "GIF87a" && $header ne "GIF89a"; return ImageSizeCloseF(-2,-3,$format) if read(IMGSIZEF, $w1, 1) < 1; return ImageSizeCloseF(-2,-4,$format) if read(IMGSIZEF, $w2, 1) < 1; return ImageSizeCloseF(-2,-5,$format) if read(IMGSIZEF, $h1, 1) < 1; return ImageSizeCloseF(-2,-6,$format) if read(IMGSIZEF, $h2, 1) < 1; return ImageSizeCloseF(ord($w2) * 256 + ord($w1), ord($h2) * 256 + ord($h1),$format); ############ JPG } elsif ($format eq "jpg") { return ImageSizeCloseF(-3,-1,$format) if read(IMGSIZEF, $header, 2) < 2; return ImageSizeCloseF(-3,-2,$format) if $header ne "\xff\xd8"; # SOI marker while (1) { return ImageSizeCloseF(-3,-3,$format) if read(IMGSIZEF, $header, 1) < 1 || ord($header) != 0xFF; return ImageSizeCloseF(-3,-4,$format) if read(IMGSIZEF, $marker, 1) < 1; return ImageSizeCloseF(-3,-5,$format) if read(IMGSIZEF, $len1, 1) < 1; return ImageSizeCloseF(-3,-6,$format) if read(IMGSIZEF, $len2, 1) < 1; $len = ord($len1) * 256 + ord($len2) - 2; if (ord($marker) < 0xC0 || ord($marker) > 0xCA || ord($marker) == 0xC4 || ord($marker) == 0xC8 || ord($marker) == 0xCC) { return ImageSizeCloseF(-3,-7,$format) if read(IMGSIZEF, $skip, $len) < $len; } else { return ImageSizeCloseF(-3,-8,$format) if read(IMGSIZEF, $skip, 1) < 1; # precision return ImageSizeCloseF(-3,-9,$format) if read(IMGSIZEF, $h1, 1) < 1; return ImageSizeCloseF(-3,-10,$format) if read(IMGSIZEF, $h2, 1) < 1; return ImageSizeCloseF(-3,-11,$format) if read(IMGSIZEF, $w1, 1) < 1; return ImageSizeCloseF(-3,-12,$format) if read(IMGSIZEF, $w2, 1) < 1; return ImageSizeCloseF(ord($w1) * 256 + ord($w2), ord($h1) * 256 + ord($h2),$format); } } ############ BMP } elsif ($format eq "bmp") { return ImageSizeCloseF(-4,-1,$format) if read(IMGSIZEF, $header, 2) < 2; return ImageSizeCloseF(-4,-2,$format) if $header ne "BM"; return ImageSizeCloseF(-4,-3,$format) if read(IMGSIZEF, $skip, 12) < 12; # rest of the BMP file header return ImageSizeCloseF(-4,-4,$format) if read(IMGSIZEF, $skip, 4) < 4; # Bitmap Header: length return ImageSizeCloseF(-4,-5,$format) if read(IMGSIZEF, $w1, 1) < 1; return ImageSizeCloseF(-4,-6,$format) if read(IMGSIZEF, $w2, 1) < 1; return ImageSizeCloseF(-4,-7,$format) if read(IMGSIZEF, $w3, 1) < 1; return ImageSizeCloseF(-4,-8,$format) if read(IMGSIZEF, $w4, 1) < 1; return ImageSizeCloseF(-4,-9,$format) if read(IMGSIZEF, $h1, 1) < 1; return ImageSizeCloseF(-4,-10,$format) if read(IMGSIZEF, $h2, 1) < 1; return ImageSizeCloseF(-4,-11,$format) if read(IMGSIZEF, $h3, 1) < 1; return ImageSizeCloseF(-4,-12,$format) if read(IMGSIZEF, $h4, 1) < 1; return ImageSizeCloseF(ord($w4) * (256**3) + ord($w3) * (256**2) + ord($w2) * 256 + ord($w1), ord($h4) * (256**3) + ord($h3) * (256**2) + ord($h2) * 256 + ord($h1),$format); ############ PNG } elsif ($format eq "png") { return ImageSizeCloseF(-5,-1,$format) if read(IMGSIZEF, $header, 8) < 8; return ImageSizeCloseF(-5,-2,$format) if $header ne "\x89PNG\r\n\x1A\n"; return ImageSizeCloseF(-5,-3,$format) if read(IMGSIZEF, $skip, 4) < 4; # length of the IHDR chunk return ImageSizeCloseF(-5,-4,$format) if read(IMGSIZEF, $skip, 4) < 4; # chunk type return ImageSizeCloseF(-5,-5,$format) if $skip ne "IHDR"; return ImageSizeCloseF(-5,-6,$format) if read(IMGSIZEF, $w1, 1) < 1; return ImageSizeCloseF(-5,-7,$format) if read(IMGSIZEF, $w2, 1) < 1; return ImageSizeCloseF(-5,-8,$format) if read(IMGSIZEF, $w3, 1) < 1; return ImageSizeCloseF(-5,-9,$format) if read(IMGSIZEF, $w4, 1) < 1; return ImageSizeCloseF(-5,-10,$format) if read(IMGSIZEF, $h1, 1) < 1; return ImageSizeCloseF(-5,-11,$format) if read(IMGSIZEF, $h2, 1) < 1; return ImageSizeCloseF(-5,-12,$format) if read(IMGSIZEF, $h3, 1) < 1; return ImageSizeCloseF(-5,-13,$format) if read(IMGSIZEF, $h4, 1) < 1; return ImageSizeCloseF(ord($w1) * (256**3) + ord($w2) * (256**2) + ord($w3) * 256 + ord($w4), ord($h1) * (256**3) + ord($h2) * (256**2) + ord($h3) * 256 + ord($h4),$format); } return ImageSizeCloseF(-1, -3,$format); } sub ImageSizeCloseF { close IMGSIZEF; return @_; } ################################# if($in{'act'} eq "jsstrk"){ open (HANDLE,"<".$path."kilpailijat_$in{'eventid'}.txt"); @d=; close HANDLE; if($in{'etype'} eq '2'){ ## if add mode ## get ID foreach $rec (@d){ ($id,$rest)=split(/\|/,$rec,2); if($id>50000){$id=$id-50000;} if($in{'id'} < $id){$in{'id'}=$id;} } $in{'id'}=(1*$in{'id'})+1; }else{ ## read original version of name, to avoid some charset trouble foreach $rec (@d){ @r=split(/\|/,$rec); if($in{'id'} == $r[0] && $r[3] ne ''){$in{'suunnistaja'}=$r[3];} } } ## input $in{'suunnistaja'}=~ s/#chsmcl#/\;/g; $in{'suunnistaja'}=~ s/#chnd#/\&/g; $success = utf8::downgrade($in{'komm'}, FAIL_OK); $in{'komm'}=~ s/#chsmcl#/\;/g; $in{'komm'}=~ s/#chnd#/\&/g; ## gps if($in{'GPS'}==1){ $in{'suunnistaja'}=' GPS '.$in{'suunnistaja'}; $in{'id'}=50000+$in{'id'}; } open (SISAAN,"<$path"."merkinnat_$in{'eventid'}.txt"); @merkinnat=; close(SISAAN); $ok=1; foreach $rec (@merkinnat) { chomp($rec); ($idkilp,$id,$nimi,$hajonta,$viivat,$rastit)=split(/\|/,$rec); if($id eq $in{'id'}){ $ok=0; ## eli piirros oli jo olemassa, ei tallenneta } } $in{'track'} =~ s/\n//g; $in{'track'} =~ s/\r//g; ($reitti,$rastit)=split(/\|/,$in{'track'}); if($ok == 1){ if($in{'GPS'}!=1){ @tmp=split(/N/,$reitti); foreach $p (@tmp){ if($p ne ''){ ($a,$b)=split(/\;/,$p,2); $a=floor($a*100)/100; $b=floor($b*100)/100; $p=''.$a.';'.$b; } } $reitti=join('N',@tmp); open (HANDLE,">>".$path."merkinnat_$in{'eventid'}.txt"); $out=''.$in{'rataid'}."|".$in{'id'}."| $in{'suunnistaja'}|$in{'hajonta'}|$reitti|$rastit"; $out =~ s/\n//g; $out =~ s/\r//g; &lock_file; print HANDLE $out."\n"; &unlock_file; close HANDLE; }else{ @GPSD=split(/N/,$reitti); $reitti=''; foreach $gd (@GPSD){ chomp($gd); if($gd ne ''){ ($Gx,$Gy,$Gt)=split(/\;/,$gd); if($Gx ne $GxOLD || $Gy ne $GyOLD){ $reitti.='N'.$Gx.';'.$Gy; $GxOLD=$Gx; $GyOLD=$Gy; } } } $reitti.='|'; ## gps animaatio $GAIKA=0;$ani='';$i=0; foreach $gd (@GPSD){ chomp($gd); if($gd ne ''){ ($Gx,$Gy,$Gt)=split(/\;/,$gd); if($i%3==1){ $ani.=$Gx.';'.$Gy.',0N'; } $i++; } } open (HANDLE,">>".$path."merkinnat_$in{'eventid'}.txt"); $myout = $in{'rataid'}."|".$in{'id'}."| $in{'suunnistaja'}|$in{'hajonta'}|$reitti|$rastit\n"; if(length($myout) < 100000*5){ &lock_file; print HANDLE $myout; &unlock_file; } close HANDLE; } $in{'komm'}=~ s/\n/#nl#/g; $in{'komm'}=~ s/\r/#cr#/g; if(length($in{'komm'}) > 50000){ $in{'komm'}=''; } $out=$in{'rataid'}."|".$in{'id'}."|$in{'suunnistaja'}||$in{'komm'}"; $out =~ s/\n//g; $out =~ s/\r//g; $out =~ s/\//g; open (HANDLE,">>".$path."kommentit_$in{'eventid'}.txt"); &lock_file; print HANDLE $out."\n"; &unlock_file; close HANDLE; if($in{'etype'} eq '2' || $in{'GPS'}==1){ ## if add mode if($in{'GPS'}!=1){ ## leg lengths ($pois,$lahto,$muut)=split(/N/,$reitti,3); $sLength=0; @aControls=split(/N/,($lahto.$rastit)); $ai=0; foreach $aControl (@aControls){ $ai++; if($ai>1){ ($ax1,$ay1)=split(/\;/,$aControls[$ai-2]); ($ax2,$ay2)=split(/\;/,$aControls[$ai-1]); $aleg[$ai-1]=sqrt(($ax1-$ax2)*($ax1-$ax2)+($ay1-$ay2)*($ay1-$ay2)); # Pythagoras } } ## $usersplits=''; $splitnro=0;$splitmissing=0; @splits=split(/m/,$in{'usersplits'}); foreach $split (@splits){ $splitnro++; ($min,$sec)=split(/s/,$split); if(floor(60*$min+(1*$sec))>0 && $splitmissing==0){ $usersplits.=floor(60*$min+(1*$sec)).';'; $lastsplit=floor(60*$min+(1*$sec)); } if(floor(60*$min+(1*$sec))==0){# a split is missing if($splitmissing==0){ $splitmissing=$splitnro; } } if(floor(60*$min+(1*$sec))>0 && $splitmissing>0){ # there has been missing split before this split $sLength=0; for($j=$splitmissing;$j<$splitnro+1;$j++){ $sLength=$sLength+$aleg[$j]; } $averagespeed=(floor(60*$min+(1*$sec))-$lastsplit)/$sLength; $sLength=0; for($j=$splitmissing;$j<$splitnro+1;$j++){ $sLength=$sLength+$aleg[$j]; $usersplits.=floor($lastsplit+$sLength*$averagespeed).';'; } $splitmissing=0; $lastsplit=floor(60*$min+(1*$sec)); } } $result=$min.':'.$sec; }# if gps!=1 if($in{'GPS'}==1){ $GPSani=$ani; } $out=$in{'id'}."|".$in{'rataid'}."||$in{'suunnistaja'}|0||$in{'hajonta'}|$result|$usersplits|$GPSani"; open (HANDLE,">>".$path."kilpailijat_$in{'eventid'}.txt"); $out =~ s/\n//g; $out =~ s/\r//g; if(length($out) < 100000*5) { &lock_file; print HANDLE $out."\n"; &unlock_file; } close HANDLE; } } print "\n"; exit; } #################### rgjs section ends############################# ##################### Version #############################3 if($in{'act'} eq 'version'){ print $RG_version; exit; } ##################### OGraphAppletJar #############################3 if($in{'act'} eq 'OGraphAppletJar'){ open(SISAAN, "<".$path."EmitGraph3.jar"); binmode SISAAN; @data=; close(SISAAN); binmode STDOUT; print @data; exit; } ##################### OGraphApplet #############################3 if($in{'act'} eq 'OGraphApplet'){ print " OGraphApplet on RouteGadget
"; #EmitGraph3.jar open(SISAAN, "<".$path."kisat.txt"); @kilpailut=; close(SISAAN); $i=0; foreach $rec (@kilpailut){ chomp($rec); @field=split(/\|/,$rec); if($field[2] != 3){ $i++; print " \n"; } } print"
"; exit; } ##################### OGraphAppletSplits #############################3 if($in{'act'} eq 'ographsplits'){ $in{'id'}=1*$in{'id'}; open(SISAAN, "<".$path."kilpailijat_$in{'id'}.txt"); @data=; close(SISAAN); @data = sort { (split '\|', $a, 9)[1] <=> (split '\|', $b, 9)[1] } @data; $sarja=''; foreach $rec (@data){ chomp($rec); @field=split(/\|/,$rec); if($sarja ne $field[2]){ $sarja=$field[2]; print "#Sarja $sarja\n"; } # $field[8] =~ s/\;/\|/g; if($field[8] ne '' && $field[5]>0){ @row=split(/\;/,$field[8]); print " $field[3]|"; foreach $sp (@row){ $sec=floor(60*($sp/60-floor($sp/60))); if($sec<10){$sec='0'.$sec;} $hou=''; $min=floor($sp/60); if($min>59){ $hou=floor($min/60); $min=$min-$hou*60; if($hou<10){$hou='0'.$hou;} if($min<10){$min='0'.$min;} } print ''.$hou.$min.$sec.'|'; } print "\n"; } } } ##################### splitsbrowserjar #############################3 if($in{'act'} eq 'splitsbrowserJar'){ open(SISAAN, "<".$path."splitsbrowser.jar"); binmode SISAAN; @data=; close(SISAAN); binmode STDOUT; print @data; exit; } ##################### splitalyzerjar #############################3 if($in{'act'} eq 'splitalyzerjar'){ open(SISAAN, "<".$path."splitalyzer.jar"); binmode SISAAN; @data=; close(SISAAN); binmode STDOUT; print @data; exit; } ##################### splistalyzer #############################3 if($in{'act'} eq 'splitalyzer'){ $eventid=1*$in{'id'}; open(SISAAN, "<".$path."kisat.txt"); @kilpailut=; close(SISAAN); $i=0; foreach $rec (@kilpailut){ chomp($rec); @field=split(/\|/,$rec); $i++; if($field[0] == $eventid){ $ename=$field[3]; } } print " $ename A Java enabled browser is required to view this page  "; exit; } ############################### if($in{'act'} eq 'gettime'){ $servertime=time; print "

\n"; exit; } ##################### splitsbrowser #############################3 if($in{'act'} eq 'splitsbrowser'){ $eventid=1*$in{'id'}; open(SISAAN, "<".$path."kisat.txt"); @kilpailut=; close(SISAAN); $i=0; foreach $rec (@kilpailut){ chomp($rec); @field=split(/\|/,$rec); $i++; if($field[0] == $eventid){ $ename=$field[3]; } } print " $ename A Java enabled browser is required to view this page  "; } ##################### if($in{'act'} eq 'jsGPS'){ open(HANDLE,"<".$path.'GPS.txt'); @d=; close(HANDLE); $d=join(';',@d); $d=~ s/\r//g; $d=~ s/\n//g; print '[{"data":"'.$d.'"}]'; exit; } if($in{'act'} eq 'jsGPSLAST'){ open(HANDLE,"<".$path.'GPSLAST.txt'); @d=; close(HANDLE); $d=join(';',@d); $d=~ s/\r//g; $d=~ s/\n//g; print '[{"data":"'.$d.'"}]'; exit; } ################# gps point saver ################## if($in{'act'} eq 's'){ if($livepasswd ne ''){ if($livepasswd ne $in{'p'}){ exit; } } open(HANDLE,"<".$path.'trackedrunners.txt'); @d=; close(HANDLE); $next=1; foreach $rec (@d){ chomp($rec); @r=split(/\|/,$rec); $newid{1*$r[0]}=$r[1]; $next=1*$r[1]+1; } $competitor=1*$in{'c'}; ## temporaty fix for overlapping ID's using IP address #if($competitor==15 && $ENV{REMOTE_ADDR} eq 'IP_HERE'){ #$in{'c'}=73; # set an other id for this ip #$competitor=1*$in{'c'}; #} if($newid{$competitor} eq ''){ open(HANDLE,">>".$path.'trackedrunners.txt'); print HANDLE $competitor.'|'.$next."\n"; close(HANDLE); $newid{$competitor}=$next; } ### transformation $competitor=$newid{1*$in{'c'}}; $o=''.$in{'c'}.'|'.$in{'d'}."\n"; ## all data to log file for back up open(ULOS,">>".$path."GPS_ALL.txt"); print ULOS $o; close ULOS; open(HANDLE,"<".$path.'coord.txt'); @f=; close(HANDLE); $compmax=0; foreach $rec (@f){ chomp($rec); if($rec =~/\|/){ @r=split(/\|/,$rec); $rname{1*$r[0]}=$r[1]; if($compmax < 1*$r[0]){$compmax = 1*$r[0];} } if($rname{1*$in{'c'}} eq ''){ $rname{1*$in{'c'}}='Vacant '.(1*$in{'c'}); } } ($o1x,$o1y)=split(/\,/,$f[0]); ($o2x,$o2y)=split(/\,/,$f[1]); ($o3x,$o3y)=split(/\,/,$f[2]); ($s1x,$s1y)=split(/\,/,$f[3]); ($s2x,$s2y)=split(/\,/,$f[4]); ($s3x,$s3y)=split(/\,/,$f[5]); $s1y=-$s1y; $s2y=-$s2y; $s3y=-$s3y; $lat0=$o1y; $lon0=$o1x; $r=6370000; $pi=3.1415926535897932384626433832795; $lat=$o1y; $lon=$o1x; $north= (($lat-$lat0)/360*2*$pi*$r); $east= (($lon-$lon0)/360*2*$r*$pi *cos($lat0/180*$pi)); $o1y=$north; $o1x=$east; $lat=$o2y; $lon=$o2x; $north= (($lat-$lat0)/360*2*$pi*$r); $east= (($lon-$lon0)/360*2*$r*$pi *cos($lat0/180*$pi)); $o2y=$north; $o2x=$east; $lat=$o3y; $lon=$o3x; $north= (($lat-$lat0)/360*2*$pi*$r); $east= (($lon-$lon0)/360*2*$r*$pi *cos($lat0/180*$pi)); $o3y=$north; $o3x=$east; $xnolla1=$o1x; $ynolla1=$o1y; $xi=$o2x-$xnolla1;$yi=$o2y-$ynolla1;$xj=$o3x-$xnolla1;$yj=$o3y-$ynolla1; $xnolla=$s1x; $ynolla=$s1y; $x1 = $s2x-$xnolla;$y1 = $s2y-$ynolla;$x2 = $s3x-$xnolla;$y2 = $s3y-$ynolla; #nollalla jakamisen esto if($xj==0){$xj=0.000000000001;} if($yj==0){$yj=0.000000000001;} if(($xj * $yi - $yj * $xi)==0){$xj=$xj+0.000000000001;} if(($yj * $xi - $xj * $yi)==0){$yj=$yj+0.0000000000001;} $Gb = ($x1 * $xj - $x2 * $xi) / ($xj * $yi - $yj * $xi); $Ga = ($x2 - $Gb * $yj) / $xj; $Gd = ($y1 * $yj - $y2 * $yi) / ($yj * $xi - $xj * $yi); $Gc = ($y2 - $Gd * $xj) / $yj; @d=split(/x/,$in{'d'}); $out='';$timemax=0; $i=0; foreach $rec (@d){ @pt=split(/\,/,$rec); $ts=1*$pt[0]; $lon=1*$pt[1]; $lat=1*$pt[2]; $sat=$pt[3]; $sat=~ s/\n//g; $sat=~ s/\r//g; $i++; if($i==1){ $servertime=time; $ts_=$ts-floor($ts/3600)*3600; $ts_=floor(($servertime-$ts_)/3600+.5)*3600+$ts_; $ts=$ts_; $lon_=$lon; $lat_=$lat; $lon=$lon/1000000; $lat=$lat/1000000; }else{ $ts=$ts+$ts_; $lon=($lon+$lon_)/1000000; $lat=($lat+$lat_)/1000000; } $north= (($lat-$lat0)/360*2*$pi*$r); $east= (($lon-$lon0)/360*2*$r*$pi *cos($lat0/180*$pi)); $easting = floor($s1x+ ((($Ga*($east-$xnolla1) + $Gb*($north-$ynolla1))))); $northing= floor($s1y+ ((($Gc*($north-$ynolla1) + $Gd*($east-$xnolla1))))); $out.=''.$ts.','.$competitor.','.(1*$easting).','.(1*$northing).','.$rname{1*$in{'c'}}.' ('.$sat.")\n"; if($timemax<$ts){$timemax=$ts;} } open(HANDLE,">>".$path."GPS.txt"); print HANDLE $out; close HANDLE; $old=''; open(HANDLE,"<".$path."GPS.txt"); @old=; close HANDLE; foreach $rec (@old){ chomp($rec); ($ts,$c,$east,$north)=split(/\,/,$rec); if($ts +210 > $timemax && $ts < $timemax){ $old.=$rec."\n"; } } $out=$old.$out; @out=split(/\n/,$out); @out = sort { (split /\,/, $a, 4)[1] <=> (split /\,/, $b, 4)[1] || (split /\,/, $a, 4)[0] <=> (split /\,/, $b, 4)[0] } @out; $out=join("\n",@out); open(HANDLE,">".$path."GPSLAST.txt"); print HANDLE $out; close HANDLE; print "OK"; exit; } ##################### splitalyzer starts #############################3 if($in{'act'} eq 'splitalyzerstarttimes'){ $in{'id'}=1*$in{'eventid'}; open(SISAAN, "<".$path."kilpailijat_$in{'id'}.txt"); @data=; close(SISAAN); #@data = sort { # (split '\|', $a, 9)[1] <=> # (split '\|', $b, 9)[1] # } @data; foreach $rec (@data){ chomp($rec); @field=split(/\|/,$rec); if($field[0] <50000){ if($field[1] ne $edsarja){ print "$field[2]\n"; $edsarja=$field[1]; } $start=''.floor($field[4]/60).':'.($field[4]-60*floor($field[4]/60)); print " $field[0] v $start \n"; } } } ##################### splitalyzer splits #############################3 if($in{'act'} eq 'splitalyzersplits'){ $in{'id'}=1*$in{'eventid'}; ## rastimaarat sarjoittain open(SISAAN, "<".$path."ratapisteet_$in{'id'}.txt"); @d=; close(SISAAN); foreach $rec (@d){ chomp($rec); @field=split(/\|/,$rec); @f=split(/N/,$field[1]); $rmaara{$field[0]}=$#f; } open(SISAAN, "<".$path."kilpailijat_$in{'id'}.txt"); @data=; close(SISAAN); @data = sort { (split '\|', $a, 9)[1] <=> (split '\|', $b, 9)[1] } @data; ## lasketaan väliaikojen määrä foreach $rec (@data){ chomp($rec); @field=split(/\|/,$rec); @splits=split(/\;/,$field[8]); if(abs($#splits - $rmaara{$field[1]}) < 3){ $rmaara2{$field[1]}+=$#splits; $rmaara2count{$field[1]}++; } } # laskettu foreach $rec (@data){ chomp($rec); @field=split(/\|/,$rec); if($rmaara{$field[1]} >2 && $field[0] <50000){ if($field[1] ne $edsarja){ # rastimaara kohdalleen if($rmaara2count{$field[1]}>0){ $rmaara{$field[1]}=floor(0.5+ $rmaara2{$field[1]}/$rmaara2count{$field[1]})+1; } print "$field[1] $field[2] () ".($rmaara{$field[1]}-1)." P \n"; $edsarja=$field[1]; for($i=0;$i<$rmaara{$field[1]}-1;$i++){ print ' '.($i+1)."()"; } print " Z\n"; $pos=0; } $pos++; print ' '.$pos.' '.$field[0].' '.$field[3]; @splits=split(/\;/,$field[8]); print ' '.floor($splits[$rmaara{$field[1]}-1]/60).':'.($splits[$rmaara{$field[1]}-1]-60*floor($splits[$rmaara{$field[1]}-1]/60)); for($i=0;$i<$rmaara{$field[1]};$i++){ $out= ' '.floor($splits[$i]/60).':'.($splits[$i]-60*floor($splits[$i]/60)); if($out eq ' 0:0'){ print ' ---'; }else{ print $out; } } print " \n v \n"; } } } ##################### splitsbrowser splits #############################3 if($in{'act'} eq 'splitsbrowsercsv'){ $in{'id'}=1*$in{'id'}; $in{'eventid'}=$in{'id'}; $archived=0; if($in{'eventid'}!=0 && (-e $path."archive.zip" || -e $path."archive_".$in{'eventid'}.".zip" || -e $path."sarjat_$in{'eventid'}.txt.gz") && !(-e $path."sarjat_$in{'eventid'}.txt")){ if(-e $path."sarjat_$in{'eventid'}.txt.gz"){ require Compress::Zlib; import Compress::Zlib; $archived=1; $gz = gzopen($path."kilpailijat_".$in{'eventid'}.".txt.gz", "rb"); $data='';while ($gz->gzreadline($_) > 0) {$data.=$_;}; $gz->gzclose(); @data=split(/\n/,$data); }else{ require IO::Uncompress::Unzip; import IO::Uncompress::Unzip; $zipfile = $path."archive.zip"; if(-e $path."archive_".$in{'eventid'}.".zip"){ $zipfile = $path."archive_".$in{'eventid'}.".zip"; } $u = new IO::Uncompress::Unzip $zipfile or die "Cannot open $zipfile: $UnzipError"; $status2=1; for ($status = 1; $status > 0 && $status2 == 1; $status = $u->nextStream()) { $prename=$name; $name = $u->getHeaderInfo()->{Name}; if($name eq "kilpailijat_$in{'id'}.txt"){ $archived=1; $data=''; while (($status = $u->read($buff)) > 0) { $data.=$buff; } @data=split(/\n/,$data); } if($prename eq $name){$status2=0;} } #print "#$name $status "; if($archived==0){ # such event does not exists exit; } } } if($archived==0){ open(SISAAN, "<".$path."kilpailijat_$in{'id'}.txt"); @data=; close(SISAAN); } @data = sort { (split '\|', $a, 9)[1] <=> (split '\|', $b, 9)[1] } @data; foreach $rec (@data){ chomp($rec); @field=split(/\|/,$rec); $field[2]=~ s/\,/ /g; $field[2]=''.$field[1].' '.$field[2]; if($sarja ne $field[2]){ $srjccuont{$sarja}=$lkmmax; $sarja=$field[2]; $lkmmax=0; } @row=split(/\;/,$field[8]); if($lkmmax<$#row+1){$lkmmax=$#row+1;} } $srjccuont{$sarja}=$lkmmax; $sarja=''; $lkm=0; $tmp=''; $firsclass=1; foreach $rec (@data){ chomp($rec); @field=split(/\|/,$rec); $field[2]=''.$field[1].' '.$field[2]; $field[2]=~ s/\,/ /g; if($sarja ne $field[2]){ if($srjccuont{$sarja}>1 && $sarja ne ''){ if($firsclass==0){ print "\n"; } $firsclass=0; $sarjout=$sarja; $sarjout =~ s/\:/ /g; $sarjout =~ s/\,/ /g; print "$sarjout,".($srjccuont{$sarja}-1)."\n"; print $tmp; } $lkm=0; $tmp=''; $sarja=$field[2]; $sarja =~s/\,/ /g; } $min=floor($field[4]/60); $sec=$field[4]-60*$min; $hour=floor($min/60); $min=$min-$hour*60; if($hour<10 && $hour>-1){$hour='0'.(1*$hour);} if($min<10 && $min>-1){$min='0'.(1*$min);} if($sec<10 && $sec>-1){$sec='0'.(1*$sec);} $stime=$hour.':'.$min.':'.$sec; #$stime=1*$field[4]; #$stime=$hour.':'.$min.''; #$stime="08:12:37"; # $field[8] =~ s/\;/\|/g; if($field[8] ne '' ){ @row=split(/\;/,$field[8]); $field[3] =~s/\,/ /g; $tmp2= "$field[3], , ,$stime"; $lkm=0; $sp_prev=0; foreach $spcum (@row){ $sp=$spcum-$sp_prev; $sp_prev=$spcum; $newrow=0; if($sp>0){ $newrow=1; $sec=floor($sp-60*floor($sp/60)); if($sec<10 && $sec>-1){$sec='0'.(1*$sec);} $min=floor($sp/60); if($min<10 && $min>-1){$min='0'.(1*$min);} $lkm++; if($lkm-1<$srjccuont{$sarja}){ $tmp2.= ','.$min.':'.$sec; } } } while($lkm<$srjccuont{$sarja}){ $lkm++; $tmp2.= ',15:00'; } $tmp2.= "\n"; $tmp.=$tmp2; } } if( $tmp ne '' && $srjccuont{$sarja}>1 && $sarja ne ''){ if($firsclass==0){ print "\n"; } $sarjout=$sarja; $sarjout =~ s/\:/ /g; $sarjout =~ s/\,/ /g; print "$sarjout,".($srjccuont{$sarja}-1)."\n"; print $tmp; } print "\n"; } ##################### viimeiset ############################# if($in{'act'} eq 'viimeiset5'){ $in{'eventid'}=$in{'eventid'}; $archived=0; if($in{'eventid'}!=0 && (-e $path."archive.zip" || -e $path."archive_".$in{'eventid'}.".zip" || -e $path."sarjat_$in{'eventid'}.txt.gz") && !(-e $path."sarjat_$in{'eventid'}.txt")){ if(-e $path."sarjat_$in{'eventid'}.txt.gz"){ require Compress::Zlib; import Compress::Zlib; $archived=1; $gz = gzopen($path."kommentit_".$in{'eventid'}.".txt.gz", "rb"); $data='';while ($gz->gzreadline($_) > 0) {$data.=$_;}; $gz->gzclose(); @kommentit=split(/\n/,$data); $gz = gzopen($path."sarjat_".$in{'eventid'}.".txt.gz", "rb"); $data='';while ($gz->gzreadline($_) > 0) {$data.=$_;}; $gz->gzclose(); @class=split(/\n/,$data); }else{ require IO::Uncompress::Unzip; import IO::Uncompress::Unzip; $zipfile = $path."archive.zip"; if(-e $path."archive_".$in{'eventid'}.".zip"){ $zipfile = $path."archive_".$in{'eventid'}.".zip"; } $u = new IO::Uncompress::Unzip $zipfile or die "Cannot open $zipfile: $UnzipError"; $status2=1; for ($status = 1; $status > 0 && $status2 == 1; $status = $u->nextStream()) { $prename=$name; $name = $u->getHeaderInfo()->{Name}; if($name eq "sarjat_$in{'eventid'}.txt"){ $archived=1; $data=''; while (($status = $u->read($buff)) > 0) { $data.=$buff; } @class=split(/\n/,$data); } if($name eq "kommentit_$in{'eventid'}.txt"){ $archived=1; $data=''; while (($status = $u->read($buff)) > 0) { $data.=$buff; } @kommentit=split(/\n/,$data); } if($prename eq $name){$status2=0;} } #print "#$name $status "; if($archived==0){ # such event does not exists exit; } } } if($archived==0){ open (SISAAN,"<$path"."sarjat_$in{'eventid'}.txt"); @class=; close(SISAAN); open (SISAAN,"<$path"."kommentit_$in{'eventid'}.txt"); @kommentit=; close(SISAAN); } foreach $rec (@class){ chomp($rec); ($id,$name)=split(/\|/,$rec,2); $classname{$id}=$name; } print "
"; if($default_lang ne 'fi'){ print "

List of latest routes (".(1+$#kommentit)." routes):

    "; }else{ print "

    Uusimmat reittipiirrokset (piirroksia yhteensä ".(1+$#kommentit)." kpl):

      "; } $i=0; while(($i<20 || $in{'all'}== 1) && $#kommentit >= $i){ ($idkilp,$id,$nimi,$aika,$kommentit)=split(/\|/,$kommentit[$#kommentit-$i]); utf8::decode($nimi); print "
    • ($classname{$idkilp}) $nimi"; $i++; } if($in{'all'} != 1){ if($default_lang ne 'fi'){ print "

    View all

    "; }else{ print "

    Näytä kaikki

    "; } } print "
"; exit; } ##################### menu #############################3 if($in{'act'} eq 'mobile'){ open(SISAAN, "<".$path."kisat.txt"); @data=; close(SISAAN); $out= " mRouteGadget Events:
"; foreach $rec (@data){ chomp($rec); ($id,$karttaid,$tyyppi,$nimi,$paiva,$seura,$taso,$notes)=split(/\|/,$rec,8); $out=$out."
$nimi\n"; } $out=$out.""; $out =~s/ä/\ä\;/g; $out =~s/ö/\ö\;/g; $out =~s/å/\å\;/g; $out =~s/Ä/\Ä\;/g; $out =~s/Ö/\Ö\;/g; $out =~s/Å/\Å\;/g; print $out; exit; } if($in{'act'} eq 'valitsesarja'){ $out=" mRouteGadget Select Class:
"; open (SISAAN,"<$path"."sarjat_$in{'eventid'}.txt"); while (defined ($rec = )) { chomp($rec); ($id,$nimi)=split(/\|/,$rec); $out=$out."
$nimi\n"; } close(SISAAN); $out =~s/ä/\ä\;/g; $out =~s/ö/\ö\;/g; $out =~s/å/\å\;/g; $out =~s/Ä/\Ä\;/g; $out =~s/Ö/\Ö\;/g; $out =~s/Å/\Å\;/g; print $out; exit; exit; } if($in{'act'} eq 'valitsereitit'){ $out= " mRouteGadget
Select map part:
Whole map
Select routes: (max 3)
"; open (SISAAN,"<$path"."merkinnat_$in{'eventid'}.txt"); $j=0; while (defined ($rec = )) { chomp($rec); ($idkilp,$id,$nimi,$aika,$viivat,$rastit)=split(/\|/,$rec); $i++; if($idkilp eq $in{"sarja"}){ ## eli on tässä sarjassa $j++; @ulos[$j]="$id,$nimi
\n"; } } close(SISAAN); @ulos = sort { (split '\,', $a, 2)[0] <=> (split '\,', $b, 2)[0] } @ulos; $out= $out.join('',@ulos)."

"; $out =~s/ä/\ä\;/g; $out =~s/ö/\ö\;/g; $out =~s/å/\å\;/g; $out =~s/Ä/\Ä\;/g; $out =~s/Ö/\Ö\;/g; $out =~s/Å/\Å\;/g; print $out; exit; } ##################### menu #############################3 if($in{'get'} eq 'table'){ open(SISAAN, "<".$path."kisat.txt"); @data=; close(SISAAN); @data = sort { (split /\|/, $a, 6)[4] cmp (split /\|/, $b, 6)[4] } @data; print @data; exit; } ##################### RG index interface ############################ if($in{'info'} eq 'csv'){ open(SISAAN, "<".$path."kisat.txt"); @data=; close(SISAAN); @data = sort { (split /\|/, $a, 6)[4] cmp (split /\|/, $b, 6)[4] } @data; if($in{'first'}!=1){ @data = reverse @data; } foreach $rec (@data){ chomp($rec); ($id,$karttaid,$tyyppi,$nimi,$paiva,$seura,$taso,$notes)=split(/\|/,$rec,8); open(SISAAN, "<".$path."kommentit_".$id.".txt"); @d=; close(SISAAN); $count=1+$#d; print "$id|$tyyppi|$nimi|$paiva|$seura|$taso|$count\n"; } exit; } ##################### menu #############################3 if($in{'act'} eq 'menu' || $in{'act'} eq ''){ if($menuStyle eq 'list'){ open(SISAAN, "<".$path."kisat.txt"); @data=; close(SISAAN); $out= "

param('tracklog'); binmode $file; @d =<$file>; close($file); open (SISAAN,"<".$path."kisat.txt"); @kartat=; close(SISAAN); foreach $rec (@kartat) { chomp($rec); ($id,$karttaid,$tyyppi,$nimi,$paiva,$seura,$taso,$notes)=split(/\|/,$rec,8); if($in{'id'} eq $id){ $mapid=$karttaid; } } open(HANDLE, "<".$path."kartat.txt")|| die; @kdata=; close(HANDLE); $coord[0]=''; $coord[4]=''; foreach $rec (@kdata){ chomp($rec); ($id,$nimi)=split(/\|/,$rec); if($id eq $mapid){ ($id,$nimi,$copyright,$s1x,$o1x,$s1y,$o1y,$s2x,$o2x,$s2y,$o2y,$s3x,$o3x,$s3y,$o3y)=split(/\|/,$rec); if($o1x != 0){ $s1y=-$s1y; $s2y=-$s2y; $s3y=-$s3y; $lat0=$o1y; $lon0=$o1x; $kaavao1y=$o1y; $kaavao1x=$o1x; $r=6370000; $pi=3.1415926535897932384626433832795; $lat=$o1y; $lon=$o1x; $north= (($lat-$lat0)/360*2*$pi*$r); $east= (($lon-$lon0)/360*2*$r*$pi *cos($lat0/180*$pi)); $o1y=$north; $o1x=$east; $lat=$o2y; $lon=$o2x; $north= (($lat-$lat0)/360*2*$pi*$r); $east= (($lon-$lon0)/360*2*$r*$pi *cos($lat0/180*$pi)); $o2y=$north; $o2x=$east; $lat=$o3y; $lon=$o3x; $north= (($lat-$lat0)/360*2*$pi*$r); $east= (($lon-$lon0)/360*2*$r*$pi *cos($lat0/180*$pi)); $o3y=$north; $o3x=$east; $xnolla1=$o1x; $ynolla1=$o1y; $xi=$o2x-$xnolla1;$yi=$o2y-$ynolla1;$xj=$o3x-$xnolla1;$yj=$o3y-$ynolla1; $xnolla=$s1x; $ynolla=$s1y; $x1 = $s2x-$xnolla;$y1 = $s2y-$ynolla;$x2 = $s3x-$xnolla;$y2 = $s3y-$ynolla; #nollalla jakamisen esto if($xj==0){$xj=0.000000000001;} if($yj==0){$yj=0.000000000001;} if(($xj * $yi - $yj * $xi)==0){$xj=$xj+0.000000000001;} if(($yj * $xi - $xj * $yi)==0){$yj=$yj+0.0000000000001;} $Gb = ($x1 * $xj - $x2 * $xi) / ($xj * $yi - $yj * $xi); $Ga = ($x2 - $Gb * $yj) / $xj; $Gd = ($y1 * $yj - $y2 * $yi) / ($yj * $xi - $xj * $yi); $Gc = ($y2 - $Gd * $xj) / $yj; } } } if($in{'regtest'} eq '1'){ # reg test gpx open(HANDLE,"<".$path.'coord.txt'); @f=; close(HANDLE); $compmax=0; foreach $rec (@f){ chomp($rec); if($rec =~/\|/){ @r=split(/\|/,$rec,2); $rname{1*$r[0]}=$r[1]; if($compmax < 1*$r[0]){$compmax = 1*$r[0];} } } ($o1x,$o1y)=split(/\,/,$f[0]); ($o2x,$o2y)=split(/\,/,$f[1]); ($o3x,$o3y)=split(/\,/,$f[2]); ($s1x,$s1y)=split(/\,/,$f[3]); ($s2x,$s2y)=split(/\,/,$f[4]); ($s3x,$s3y)=split(/\,/,$f[5]); $s1y=-$s1y; $s2y=-$s2y; $s3y=-$s3y; $lat0=$o1y; $lon0=$o1x; $r=6370000; $pi=3.1415926535897932384626433832795; $lat=$o1y; $lon=$o1x; $north= (($lat-$lat0)/360*2*$pi*$r); $east= (($lon-$lon0)/360*2*$r*$pi *cos($lat0/180*$pi)); $o1y=$north; $o1x=$east; $lat=$o2y; $lon=$o2x; $north= (($lat-$lat0)/360*2*$pi*$r); $east= (($lon-$lon0)/360*2*$r*$pi *cos($lat0/180*$pi)); $o2y=$north; $o2x=$east; $lat=$o3y; $lon=$o3x; $north= (($lat-$lat0)/360*2*$pi*$r); $east= (($lon-$lon0)/360*2*$r*$pi *cos($lat0/180*$pi)); $o3y=$north; $o3x=$east; $xnolla1=$o1x; $ynolla1=$o1y; $xi=$o2x-$xnolla1;$yi=$o2y-$ynolla1;$xj=$o3x-$xnolla1;$yj=$o3y-$ynolla1; $xnolla=$s1x; $ynolla=$s1y; $x1 = $s2x-$xnolla;$y1 = $s2y-$ynolla;$x2 = $s3x-$xnolla;$y2 = $s3y-$ynolla; #nollalla jakamisen esto if($xj==0){$xj=0.000000000001;} if($yj==0){$yj=0.000000000001;} if(($xj * $yi - $yj * $xi)==0){$xj=$xj+0.000000000001;} if(($yj * $xi - $xj * $yi)==0){$yj=$yj+0.0000000000001;} $Gb = ($x1 * $xj - $x2 * $xi) / ($xj * $yi - $yj * $xi); $Ga = ($x2 - $Gb * $yj) / $xj; $Gd = ($y1 * $yj - $y2 * $yi) / ($yj * $xi - $xj * $yi); $Gc = ($y2 - $Gd * $xj) / $yj; ### $splitter="-1 && $p2>-1){ $lat=substr($point,$p1+5,$p2-$p1-5); $lat =~ s/ //g; $lat =~ s/\"//g; } $p1=index($point,"lon=\""); $p2=index($point,"\"",$p1+5); if($p1>-1 && $p2>-1){ $lon=substr($point,$p1+5,$p2-$p1-5); $lon =~ s/ //g; $lon =~ s/\"//g; } ($lon,$lat)=($lat,$lon); $north= (($lat-$lat0)/360*2*$pi*$r); $east= (($lon-$lon0)/360*2*$r*$pi *cos($lat0/180*$pi)); $easting = floor($s1x+ ((($Ga*($east-$xnolla1) + $Gb*($north-$ynolla1))))); $northing= -floor($s1y+ ((($Gc*($north-$ynolla1) + $Gd*($east-$xnolla1))))); $GPSparam.="1,$easting,$northing;"; } } # reg test gpx if($in{'gpstype'} eq 'HST'){ $GPSparam=''; $pi=3.1415926535897932384626433832795; $splitter="Run"; $start='<'.$splitter; $end=''; $sea=$start.'>'; $rep=$start.' >'; $d= join('',@d); $d=~ s/${sea}/${rep}/g; $start=$start.' '; @routes=split(/${start}/,$d); $routecount=0; $rec= $routes[1]; $routecount++; ($rec,$del)=split(/${end}/,$rec); $starttime="Start time unknown"; $p1=index($rec,'StartTime='); $p2=index($rec,"\"",$p1+12); if($p1>-1 && $p2>$p1){ $starttime=substr($rec,$p1+10,$p2-$p1-10); $starttime =~ s/ //g; $starttime =~ s/\"//g; $starttime =~ s/t/ /gi; $starttime =~ s/z/ /gi; } @trackpoints=split(//,$rec); $lat0=-987654; foreach $point (@trackpoints){ $lat=-9999999; $lon=-9999999; $alt=-9999999; $p1=index($point,''); if($p1>-1 && $p2>-1){ # $tim=substr($point,$p1+6,$p2-$p1-6); $tim=~ s/Z//g; $tim=~ s/\-/\:/g; $tim=~ s/T/\:/g; ($tyear,$tmon,$tday,$thour,$tmin,$tsec)=split(/\:/,$tim); $tim=floor(3600*$thour+60*$tmin+$tsec); $day=$tyear.'_'.$tmon.'_'.$tday; } $p1=index($point,''); $p2=index($point,''); if($p1>-1 && $p2>-1){ $lat=substr($point,$p1+17,$p2-$p1-17); $lat =~ s/ //g; } $p1=index($point,''); $p2=index($point,''); if($p1>-1 && $p2>-1){ $lon=substr($point,$p1+18,$p2-$p1-18); $lon =~ s/ //g; } $p1=index($point,''); $p2=index($point,''); if($p1>-1 && $p2>-1){ $alt=substr($point,$p1+16,$p2-$p1-16); $alt =~ s/ //g; } if($lat!=-9999999 && $lon !=-9999999){ $count++; if($lat0==-987654){ $lat0=$lat; $lon0=$lon; $daycount=0; $tim0=$tim; $day0=$day; $gpsstarttime=$tim0; } ## this not very scientific, byt must do for now ... $r=6370000; $northing=-floor(($lat-$lat0)/360*2*$pi*$r); $easting=floor(($lon-$lon0)/360*2*$r*$pi *cos(abs($lat0)/180*$pi)); if($day0 ne $day){ $day0 = $day; $daycount++; } $tim=$tim+$daycount*60*60*24-$tim0; $GPSparam.="$tim,$easting,$northing;"; } } # add points if too big gaps @ad=split(/\;/,$GPSparam); $GPSparam=''; foreach $pt (@ad){ @r=split(/\,/,$pt); if($edtim ne '' && $ed +3 < $r[0]){ for($i=$edtim+1;$i<$r[0];$i++){ $tim=$i; $easting=floor(($i-$edtim)/($r[0]-$edtim)*$r[1]+($r[0]-$i)/($r[0]-$edtim)*$edeast); $northing=floor(($i-$edtim)/($r[0]-$edtim)*$r[2]+($r[0]-$i)/($r[0]-$edtim)*$ednorth); $GPSparam.="$tim,$easting,$northing;"; } } $GPSparam.=join(',',@r).";"; $edtim=$r[0]; $edeast=$r[1]; $ednorth=$r[2]; } } # HST if($in{'gpstype'} eq 'TCX'){ $GPSparam=''; $pi=3.1415926535897932384626433832795; $splitter="Activity"; $start='<'.$splitter; $end=''; $sea=$start.'>'; $rep=$start.' >'; $d= join('',@d); $d=~ s/${sea}/${rep}/g; $start=$start.' '; @routes=split(/${start}/,$d); $routecount=0; $rec= $routes[1]; $routecount++; ($rec,$del)=split(/${end}/,$rec); $starttime="Start time unknown"; $p1=index($rec,'StartTime='); $p2=index($rec,"\"",$p1+12); if($p1>-1 && $p2>$p1){ $starttime=substr($rec,$p1+10,$p2-$p1-10); $starttime =~ s/ //g; $starttime =~ s/\"//g; $starttime =~ s/t/ /gi; $starttime =~ s/z/ /gi; } @trackpoints=split(//,$rec); $lat0=-987654; foreach $point (@trackpoints){ $lat=-9999999; $lon=-9999999; $alt=-9999999; $p1=index($point,''); if($p1>-1 && $p2>-1){ # $tim=substr($point,$p1+6,$p2-$p1-6); $tim=~ s/Z//g; $tim=~ s/\-/\:/g; $tim=~ s/T/\:/g; ($tyear,$tmon,$tday,$thour,$tmin,$tsec)=split(/\:/,$tim); $tim=3600*$thour+60*$tmin+$tsec; $day=$tyear.'_'.$tmon.'_'.$tday; } $p1=index($point,''); $p2=index($point,''); if($p1>-1 && $p2>-1){ $lat=substr($point,$p1+17,$p2-$p1-17); $lat =~ s/ //g; } $p1=index($point,''); $p2=index($point,''); if($p1>-1 && $p2>-1){ $lon=substr($point,$p1+18,$p2-$p1-18); $lon =~ s/ //g; } $p1=index($point,''); $p2=index($point,''); if($p1>-1 && $p2>-1){ $alt=substr($point,$p1+16,$p2-$p1-16); $alt =~ s/ //g; } if($lat!=-9999999 && $lon !=-9999999){ $count++; if($lat0==-987654){ $lat0=$lat; $lon0=$lon; $daycount=0; $tim0=$tim; $day0=$day; } ## this not very scientific, byt must do for now ... $r=6370000; $northing=-floor(($lat-$lat0)/360*2*$pi*$r); $easting=floor(($lon-$lon0)/360*2*$r*$pi *cos(abs($lat0)/180*$pi)); if($day0 ne $day){ $day0 = $day; $daycount++; } $tim=$tim+$daycount*60*60*24-$tim0; $GPSparam.="$tim,$easting,$northing;"; } } } # TCX if($in{'gpstype'} eq 'GPX' || $in{'calib'} eq '1'){ $GPSparam=''; $pi=3.1415926535897932384626433832795; $splitter="'); $p2=index($point,''); if($p1>-1 && $p2>-1){ # # $tim=substr($point,$p1+6,$p2-$p1-6); $tim=~ s/Z//g; $tim=~ s/\-/\:/g; $tim=~ s/T/\:/g; ($tyear,$tmon,$tday,$thour,$tmin,$tsec)=split(/\:/,$tim); $tim=floor(3600*$thour+60*$tmin+$tsec); $day=$tyear.'_'.$tmon.'_'.$tday; } $p1=index($point,"lat=\""); $p2=index($point,"\"",$p1+1); if($p1>-1 && $p2>-1){ $lat=substr($point,$p1+5,$p2-$p1-5); $lat =~ s/ //g; $lat =~ s/\"//g; } $p1=index($point,"lon=\""); $p2=index($point,"\"",$p1+1); if($p1>-1 && $p2>-1){ $lon=substr($point,$p1+5,$p2-$p1-5); $lon =~ s/ //g; $lon =~ s/\"//g; } $p1=index($point,''); $p2=index($point,''); if($p1>-1 && $p2>-1){ $alt=substr($point,$p1+4,$p2-$p1-4); $alt =~ s/ //g; } if($lat!=-9999999 && $lon !=-9999999){ $count++; if($lat0==-987654){ $lat0=$lat; $lon0=$lon; $daycount=0; $tim0=$tim; $day0=$day; $gpsstarttime=$tim0; } ## this not very scientific, byt must do for now ... $r=6370000; $northing=-floor(($lat-$lat0)/360*2*$pi*$r); $easting=floor(($lon-$lon0)/360*2*$r*$pi *cos(abs($lat0)/180*$pi)); ### if($Ga ne '' && $in{'calib'} ne '1'){ #($lon,$lat)=($lat,$lon); $lat0=$kaavao1y; $lon0=$kaavao1x; $north= (($lat-$lat0)/360*2*$pi*$r); $east= (($lon-$lon0)/360*2*$r*$pi *cos($lat0/180*$pi)); $easting = floor($s1x+ ((($Ga*($east-$xnolla1) + $Gb*($north-$ynolla1))))); $northing= -floor($s1y+ ((($Gc*($north-$ynolla1) + $Gd*($east-$xnolla1))))); } ## if($day0 ne $day){ $day0 = $day; $daycount++; } $tim=$tim+$daycount*60*60*24-$tim0; $GPSparam.="$tim,$easting,$northing;"; if($easting>$gpsxmax){$gpsxmax=$easting;$gpsxmaxe=1*$lon;$gpsxmaxn=1*$lat;} if($northing>$gpsymax){$gpsymax=$northing;$gpsymaxn=1*$lat;$gpsymaxe=1*$lon;} if($easting<$gpsxmin){$gpsxmin=$easting;$gpsxmine=1*$lon;$gpsxminn=1*$lat;} if($northing<$gpsymin){$gpsymin=$northing;$gpsyminn=1*$lat;$gpsymine=1*$lon;} } } # add points if too big gaps @ad=split(/\;/,$GPSparam); $GPSparam=''; foreach $pt (@ad){ @r=split(/\,/,$pt); if($edtim ne '' && $ed +3 < $r[0]){ for($i=$edtim+1;$i<$r[0];$i++){ $tim=$i; $easting=floor(($i-$edtim)/($r[0]-$edtim)*$r[1]+($r[0]-$i)/($r[0]-$edtim)*$edeast); $northing=floor(($i-$edtim)/($r[0]-$edtim)*$r[2]+($r[0]-$i)/($r[0]-$edtim)*$ednorth); $GPSparam.="$tim,$easting,$northing;"; } } $GPSparam.=join(',',@r).";"; $edtim=$r[0]; $edeast=$r[1]; $ednorth=$r[2]; } } # GPX #KML (FRWD Google Earth Export) if ($in{'gpstype'} eq 'KML') { $gpsstarttime=0; # unknown $GPSparam = ''; $pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795; $d = join('', @d); ($pois, $d) = split(//i, $d, 2); ($d, $pois) = split(/<\/coordinates>/i, $d, 2); $d =~ s/\t/ /; $d =~ s/\n/ /; $d =~ s/ +/ /; @trackpoints = split(/ /, $d); $PMKparam = ''; $e = join('', @d); @placemarks = split(//, $e); $kesto = 0; $placemarkcount = 0; foreach $placemark (@placemarks) { $placemarkcount++; $placemark =~ s/\t/ /; $placemark =~ s/\n/ /; $placemark =~ s/ +/ /; $description = $placemark; ($pois, $description) = split(//, $description, 2); ($description, $pois) = split(/<\/description>/, $description, 2); $timeindex = index($description, ':mm:ss): '); if ($timeindex > -1) { $time = $description; ($pois, $time) = split(/\:mm\:ss\)\: /, $time, 2); ($time, $pois) = split(/<\/p>/, $time, 2); ($tunnit, $minuutit, $sekunnit) = split(/\:/, $time, 3); $kesto = $tunnit * 60 * 60 + $minuutit * 60 + $sekunnit; $coordinates = $placemark; ($pois, $coordinates) = split(//, $coordinates, 2); ($coordinates, $pois) = split(/<\/coordinates>/, $coordinates, 2); ($lon, $lat, $alt) = split(/\,/, $coordinates, 3); $PMKparam .= "$kesto,$lon,$lat;"; } } $trackpointcount = @trackpoints; $interval = int($kesto / $trackpointcount + .5); @placemarks = split(/\;/, $PMKparam); $currentplacemark = 0; $lat0 = -987654; $tim = 0; $runningtim = $interval * -1; foreach $point (@trackpoints) { if ($point) { $lat = -9999999; $lon = -9999999; $pmktim = 0; $pmklat = -9999999; $pmklon = -9999999; ($pmktim, $pmklon, $pmklat) = split(/\,/, @placemarks[$currentplacemark]); ($lon, $lat) = split(/\,/, $point); if ($lon == $pmklon && $lat == $pmklat) { $tim = $pmktim; $currentplacemark++; if ($runningtim + $interval == $tim) { $runningtim = $tim; } } else { $tim = $runningtim + $interval; $runningtim = $tim; } if ($lat != -9999999 && $lon != -9999999 && $lat != 0 && $lon != 0) { $count++; if ($lat0 == -987654) { $lat0 = $lat; $lon0 = $lon; } ## this not very scientific, byt must do for now ... $r = 6370000; $northing = -floor(($lat - $lat0) / 360 * 2 * $pi * $r); $easting = floor(($lon - $lon0) / 360 * 2 * $r * $pi * cos(abs($lat0) / 180 * $pi)); $GPSparam .= "$tim,$easting,$northing;"; } } } } # KML (FRWD Google Earth Export) if($in{'gpstype'} eq 'FRWD'){ $route=join('',@d); $route =~ s/\r//g; ($head,$route)=split(/Route data\:\n/,$route,2); ($route,$rest)=split(/\n\n/,$route,2); @d=split(/\n/,$route); @cols=split(/\t/,$d[0]); $i=0; foreach $rec (@cols){ $coli{$rec}=$i; $i++; } $GPSparam=''; $lat0=-987654; $i=0; foreach $rec (@d){ if($i>0){ $rec =~ s/\,/\./g; @cols=split(/\t/,$d[$i]); $lat=&trim($cols[$coli{'N/S latitude (ddmm.mmmm)'}]); $lon=&trim($cols[$coli{'E/W longitude (dddmm.mmmm)'}]); if($lat ne '' && $lon ne '' ){ $lat=substr($lat,0,2)+substr($lat,2,10)/60; $lon=substr($lon,0,2)+substr($lon,2,10)/60; if($lat0==-987654){ $lat0=$lat; $lon0=$lon; $tim0=1*$cols[$coli{'Time'}]; $gpsstarttime=$tim0; } ## this not very scientific, byt must do for now ... $r=6370000; $N=-floor(($lat-$lat0)/360*2*$pi*$r); $E=floor(($lon-$lon0)/360*2*$r*$pi *cos(abs($lat0)/180*$pi)); $tim=1*$cols[$coli{'Time'}]-$tim0; $GPSparam.="$tim,$E,$N;"; } } $i++; } # add points if too big gaps @ad=split(/\;/,$GPSparam); $GPSparam=''; foreach $pt (@ad){ @r=split(/\,/,$pt); if($edtim ne '' && $ed +3 < $r[0]){ for($i=$edtim+1;$i<$r[0];$i++){ $tim=$i; $easting=floor(($i-$edtim)/($r[0]-$edtim)*$r[1]+($r[0]-$i)/($r[0]-$edtim)*$edeast); $northing=floor(($i-$edtim)/($r[0]-$edtim)*$r[2]+($r[0]-$i)/($r[0]-$edtim)*$ednorth); $GPSparam.="$tim,$easting,$northing;"; } } $GPSparam.=join(',',@r).";"; $edtim=$r[0]; $edeast=$r[1]; $ednorth=$r[2]; } } # FRWD if($in{'gpstype'} eq 'SDF'){ $route=join('',@d); $route =~ s/\r//g; ($head,$route)=split(/\[POINTS\]\n/,$route,2); ($route,$rest)=split(/\[/,$route,2); @d=split(/\n/,$route); $GPSparam=''; $lat0=-987654; $i=0; foreach $rec (@d){ if($i>0){ @cols=split(/\,/,$rec); # "TP",06.03.2005,16:54.51,60.2565145,24.9067569,6,4.06,159.6,3061.6449732686 $lat=&trim($cols[3]); $lon=&trim($cols[4]); $tim=$cols[1].':'.$cols[2]; $tim=~s/\./\:/g; ($tday,$tmon,$tyear,$thour,$tmin,$tsec)=split(/\:/,$tim); $tim=3600*$thour+60*$tmin+$tsec; $day=$tyear.'_'.$tmon.'_'.$tday; if($lat0==-987654){ $lat0=$lat; $lon0=$lon; $daycount=0; $tim0=$tim; $day0=$day; $gpsstarttime=$tim0; } ## this not very scientific, byt must do for now ... $r=6370000; $northing=-floor(($lat-$lat0)/360*2*$pi*$r); $easting=floor(($lon-$lon0)/360*2*$r*$pi *cos(abs($lat0)/180*$pi)); if($day0 ne $day){ $day0 = $day; $daycount++; } $tim=$tim+$daycount*60*60*24-$tim0; $GPSparam.="$tim,$easting,$northing;"; } $i++; } # add points if too big gaps @ad=split(/\;/,$GPSparam); $GPSparam=''; foreach $pt (@ad){ @r=split(/\,/,$pt); if($edtim ne '' && $ed +3 < $r[0]){ for($i=$edtim+1;$i<$r[0];$i++){ $tim=$i; $easting=floor(($i-$edtim)/($r[0]-$edtim)*$r[1]+($r[0]-$i)/($r[0]-$edtim)*$edeast); $northing=floor(($i-$edtim)/($r[0]-$edtim)*$r[2]+($r[0]-$i)/($r[0]-$edtim)*$ednorth); $GPSparam.="$tim,$easting,$northing;"; } } $GPSparam.=join(',',@r).";"; $edtim=$r[0]; $edeast=$r[1]; $ednorth=$r[2]; } } # SDF } ## # tsekataan kieli $kieli=$default_lang; foreach $rec (@languages){ if($in{'kieli'} eq $rec){$kieli=$rec;} } open (SISAAN,"<".$path."../lang_".$kieli.".txt"); @lang=; close(SISAAN); $lang=join('',@lang); ($lang, $langkiitos)=split(/####/,join('',@lang)); if($in{'kohdistus'}eq "1"){ $muu="\n\n"; } if($in{'piirrarastit'}eq "1"){ $muu=$muu."\n\n"; } if($in{'eipiirtaneet'} eq "1" || $norouteanim==1){ $muu=$muu.="\n"; } $muu=$muu."\n"; $muu=$muu."\n"; $muu=$muu."\n"; $muu=$muu."\n"; $muu=$muu."\n"; $muu=$muu."\n"; if($in{'calib'} eq '1'){ $muu=$muu."\n"; $muu=$muu."\n"; $muu=$muu."\n"; $muu=$muu."\n"; $muu=$muu."\n"; $muu=$muu."\n"; $muu=$muu."\n"; $muu=$muu."\n\n "; } if($in{'calib'} ne '1' && $in{'regtest'} ne '1' && ($in{'tracking'} ==1 || $in{'id'} eq '0' ) && ! ($in{'piirrarastit'} eq '1')){ $muu=$muu."\n"; } if($in{'width'} eq''){$in{'width'}=775; } if($in{'height'} eq''){$in{'height'}=500; } $in{'width'}=1*$in{'width'}; $in{'height'}=1*$in{'height'}; open (SISAAN,"<".$path."kisat.txt"); @kartat=; close(SISAAN); if($in{'id'} eq '0'){ undef @kartat; $kartat[0]="0|0|2| | | | |"; } foreach $rec (@kartat) { chomp($rec); ($id,$karttaid,$tyyppi,$nimi,$paiva,$seura,$taso,$notes)=split(/\|/,$rec,8); $nimi=$paiva.' '.$nimi; if($id eq $in{'id'}){ $muu=$muu."\n"; open (SISAAN,"<".$path."../map.txt"); @sivu=; close(SISAAN); if($id==0 && $in{'mapid'} ne ''){ $karttaid=1*$in{'mapid'}; } $sivu= join('',@sivu); $sivu =~ s/##httppath##/${httppath}/g; $sivu =~ s/##extension##/${extension}/g; $sivu =~ s/##logo##/${logo}/g; $sivu =~ s/##icon##/${gadgeticon}/g; $sivu =~ s/##piste##/${piste}/g; $sivu =~ s/##kieli##/${kieli}/g; $sivu =~ s/##nimi##/${nimi}/g; $sivu =~ s/##status##/2/; $sivu =~ s/##id##/${in{'id'}}/; $sivu =~ s/##karttaid##/${karttaid}/; $sivu =~ s/##ratapiirto##/${in{'ratapiirto'}}/; $sivu =~ s/##muu##/${muu}/; $sivu =~ s/##ohjeet##/${lang}/; $sivu =~ s/##width##/${in{'width'}}/g; $sivu =~ s/##height##/${in{'height'}}/g; $temp=''; foreach $rec (@languages){ $temp=$temp."|$rec"; } $temp=$temp."             GPS"; $temp=~ s/\|//; $sivu =~ s/##languages##/${temp}/; print $sivu; exit; }} } ################# gps upload #################### if ($in{"act"} eq "gpsu"){ print"
GPS track log file upload [Help]

"; #### If KML, saving interval (in seconds):

} ################# animaatio #################### if ($in{"act"} eq "anim"){ # Tästä apletti pyytää animaatiopisteet $raika=3; ## step - aika sekunteina open (SISAAN,"<".$path."kisat.txt"); @kartat=; close(SISAAN); $viesti=0; foreach $rec (@kartat) { chomp($rec); ($id,$karttaid,$tyyppi,$nimi)=split(/\|/,$rec,4); if($id==$in{'eventid'} && $tyyppi ==3){ $viesti=1; } } ## haetaan suora reitti open (SISAAN,"<".$path."ratapisteet_$in{'eventid'}.txt"); @ratap=; close(SISAAN); foreach $rec (@ratap){ chomp($rec); ($id,$data)=split(/\|/,$rec,2); @temp=split(/N/,$data); $data=""; foreach $recb (@temp){ chomp($recb); ($x,$y)=split(/\;/,$recb,2); $data=$data.($x).";".($y)."N"; } $suorareitti{$id}=$data; ($pis,$data)=split(/N/,$data,2); $suorarastit{$id}=$data; } ## suora reitti ok ## haetaan valiajat $kilp=1;$laikaMin=99999999; #while($in{"k".$kilp} ne''){ open (SISAAN,"<$path"."kilpailijat_$in{'eventid'}.txt"); $ok=0; while (defined ($rec = ) && $in{"k".$kilp} ne'') { chomp($rec); ($id,$sarjanro,$sarjanimi,$nimi,$laika,$aika,$sija,$tulos,$valiajat,$GPSa)=split(/\|/,$rec); if($id eq $in{'k'.$kilp}){ $lahtoaika[$kilp]=$laika; if($laika<$laikaMin){ $laikaMin=$laika; } $vajat[$kilp]=$valiajat; $gpsani[$kilp]=$GPSa; $srj{$kilp}=$sarjanro; if($viesti ==1){ $srj{$kilp}=$sija; } $kilp++;$ok=1; seek(SISAAN, 0, 0); } } if($ok==0){exit;} #} close(SISAAN); # valiajat nyt muuttujassa $vajat[] $kilp=1; while($in{"k".$kilp} ne''){ open (SISAAN,"<$path"."merkinnat_$in{'eventid'}.txt"); $ok=0; while (defined ($rec = )) { chomp($rec); ($idkilp,$id,$nimi,$aika,$viivat,$rastit)=split(/\|/,$rec); if ($in{"k".$kilp} eq $id){ $viiva[$kilp]=$viivat; $rast[$kilp]=$rastit; $kilp++;$ok=1; } } if($ok==0){ # ei ollut piirtänyt, tilalle suora reitti $viiva[$kilp]="N".$suorareitti{$srj{$kilp}}; $rast[$kilp]="N".$suorarastit{$srj{$kilp}}; $kilp++; #exit; } } close(SISAAN); ## nyt on valiajat, reittipiirros ja rastipisteet selvillä ## nyt lasketaan animaatioille pisteet ## tämä pitäisi tehdä clientissä serveriä säästääksemme, mutta ## ei nyt jaksa javalla väsätä, ehkä sitten joskus $kilp=1; while($in{"k".$kilp} ne''){ $aikasiirto=0; if($in{"k".$kilp}<50000){ print ''.($lahtoaika[$kilp]-$laikaMin).';'; @reitti=split(/N/,$viiva[$kilp]); @valiajat=split(/\;/,$vajat[$kilp]); @rastit=split(/N/,$rast[$kilp]); $i=0; $viiva[$kilp]=$viiva[$kilp]."N"; $viivatemp=""; foreach $rec (@rastit){ $i++; if($rec ne ""){ $j="NC".$i."N";$k="N".$rec."N"; ($temp,$viiva[$kilp])=split(/${k}/,$viiva[$kilp],2); $viiva[$kilp]="N".$viiva[$kilp]; $viivatemp=$viivatemp.$temp.$j; } } $viiva[$kilp]=$viivatemp; $i=0; foreach $rec (@rastit){ $i++;$j="NC".$i."N";$k="N".$rec.'|'.$rec."N"; $viiva[$kilp]=~ s/${j}/${k}/; } $viiva[$kilp]=~ s/^\|//; $viiva[$kilp]=~ s/NN/N/g; $viiva[$kilp]=~ s/NN/N/g; $viiva[$kilp]=~ s/NN/N/g; @rastivalit=split(/\|/,$viiva[$kilp]); $ulos=join("\n",@rastivalit); $i=0; $matkasiirto=0; foreach $rec (@rastivalit){ $rec=~ s/^N//; $matkasiirto=0; $i++; } $i_rastit=0; $i_reitti=0; $i_valiajat=0; $i_piste=0; $aika=0; $matka=0; $eka=1; while ($valiajat[$i_rastit] ne '' && ($i_rastit==0 || $valiajat[$i_rastit]>$valiajat[$i_rastit-1])){ $rastivalit[$i_rastit]=~ s/^N//; @viivab=split(/N/,$rastivalit[$i_rastit]); # lasketaan pituus $x0=0; $y0=0; $pituus=0; $i=0; $lisaaika=0; foreach $rec (@viivab){ ($x1,$y1)=split(/\;/,$rec); if($i>0){ $pituus=$pituus+sqrt(($x0-$x1)*($x0-$x1)+($y0-$y1)*($y0-$y1)); if($x0 == $x1 && $y0 == $y1){ ## 2 peräkkäistä klikkausta = pysähdys 3 sec $lisaaika=$lisaaika+3; } } $x0=$x1;$y0=$y1; $i++; } $valiaika=$valiajat[$i_rastit]-$valiajat[$i_rastit-1]; if($i_rastit==0){ $valiaika=$valiajat[$i_rastit]; } ## hyomioidaan pysähdykset $valiaika=$valiaika-$lisaaika; if($valiaika ==0 || $valiaika<0 ){ $valiaika=0.00001; } $step=($pituus/($valiaika/$raika)); $matkasiirto=$aikasiirto*$step; # pisteet polylinen varrelle $i=0;$seis=0; foreach $rec (@viivab){ ($x1,$y1)=split(/\;/,$rec); if($i>0){ if($x0 == $x1 && $y0 == $y1){ $seis++; ## ei kahta peräkkäistä klikkausta samaan pisteeseen }else{ $plkm=1; while($matka+$step*$plkm-$matkasiirto < $matka+sqrt(($x0-$x1)*($x0-$x1)+($y0-$y1)*($y0-$y1))){ $i_piste++; #lasketaan animaatioreittipiste $ax=floor((($step*$plkm-$matkasiirto)*$x1+$x0*(sqrt(($x0-$x1)*($x0-$x1)+($y0-$y1)*($y0-$y1))-($step*$plkm-$matkasiirto)))/(sqrt(($x0-$x1)*($x0-$x1)+($y0-$y1)*($y0-$y1)))); $ay=floor((($step*$plkm-$matkasiirto)*$y1+$y0*(sqrt(($x0-$x1)*($x0-$x1)+($y0-$y1)*($y0-$y1))-($step*$plkm-$matkasiirto)))/(sqrt(($x0-$x1)*($x0-$x1)+($y0-$y1)*($y0-$y1)))); $info=""; if($eka==1){ $eka=0; $info='C'; } print "$ax;".$ay.",".$info."N"; $info=""; if($seis > 0){ for($ii=0;$ii<$seis;$ii++){ print "$ax;$ay,".$info."N"; } $seis=0; } $plkm++; } $matkasiirto=$matka+sqrt(($x0-$x1)*($x0-$x1)+($y0-$y1)*($y0-$y1))-($matka+$step*($plkm-1)-$matkasiirto); $matka=$matka+sqrt(($x0-$x1)*($x0-$x1)+($y0-$y1)*($y0-$y1)); $aikasiirto=$matkasiirto/$step*1; } } $x0=$x1;$y0=$y1; $i++; } $i_rastit++; $eka=1; } }else{ ## gps animaatip #print "0;0;0,0N"; print ''.($lahtoaika[$kilp]-$laikaMin).';'; print $gpsani[$kilp]; } $kilp++; print "\n"; } } ################# viivat #################### if ($in{"act"} eq "viivat"){ ## tästä appletti lataa viivat open (SISAAN,"<$path"."merkinnat_$in{'eventid'}.txt"); @merkinnat=; close(SISAAN); $kilp=1; while($in{"k".$kilp} ne''){ $in{"id"}=$in{"k".$kilp}; $i=0;$loytyi=0; foreach $rec (@merkinnat) { chomp($rec); ($idkilp,$id,$nimi,$aika,$viivat,$rastit)=split(/\|/,$rec); $i++; if ($in{"id"} eq $id){ $i++; $loytyi=1; $viivat =~ s/N/\n/g; $viivat =~ s/R/\r/g; $viivat =~ s/#/g/; print "\n1".$viivat; } } if($i==0){ print " "; } if($loytyi==0){ print "\n1\n0;0"; } print "\n"; $kilp++; } } ################# kommentit #################### if ($in{"act"} eq "kommentit"){ ## Tästä apletti pyytää kommentit $archived=0; if($in{'eventid'}!=0 && (-e $path."archive.zip" || -e $path."archive_".$in{'eventid'}.".zip" || -e $path."sarjat_$in{'eventid'}.txt.gz") && !(-e $path."sarjat_$in{'eventid'}.txt")){ if(-e $path."sarjat_$in{'eventid'}.txt.gz"){ require Compress::Zlib; import Compress::Zlib; $archived=1; $gz = gzopen($path."kommentit_".$in{'eventid'}.".txt.gz", "rb"); $data='';while ($gz->gzreadline($_) > 0) {$data.=$_;}; $gz->gzclose(); @kommentit=split(/\n/,$data); }else{ require IO::Uncompress::Unzip; import IO::Uncompress::Unzip; $zipfile = $path."archive.zip"; if(-e $path."archive_".$in{'eventid'}.".zip"){ $zipfile = $path."archive_".$in{'eventid'}.".zip"; } $u = new IO::Uncompress::Unzip $zipfile or die "Cannot open $zipfile: $UnzipError"; $status2=1; for ($status = 1; $status > 0 && $status2 == 1; $status = $u->nextStream()) { $prename=$name; $name = $u->getHeaderInfo()->{Name}; if($name eq "kommentit_$in{'eventid'}.txt"){ $archived=1; $data=''; while (($status = $u->read($buff)) > 0) { $data.=$buff; } @kommentit=split(/\n/,$data); } if($prename eq $name){$status2=0;} } #print "#$name $status "; if($archived==0){ # such event does not exists exit; } } } if($archived==0){ open (SISAAN,"<$path"."kommentit_$in{'eventid'}.txt"); @kommentit=; close(SISAAN); } $kilp=1; while($in{"k".$kilp} ne''){ $in{"id"}=$in{"k".$kilp}; $i=0; foreach $rec (@kommentit) { chomp($rec); ($idkilp,$id,$nimi,$aika,$kommentit)=split(/\|/,$rec); $i++; if ($in{"id"} eq $id){ $kommentit =~ s/#nl#/\n/g; $kommentit =~ s/#cr#/\r/g; #$kommentit=~ s/\;/#chsmcl#/g; print "\n\n$nimi:\n".$kommentit; } } $kilp++; } } # ####### TALLENNUKSET########################################## ############# Reittipiirroksen tallennus ###################### if($in{'act'} eq "tallennapiirros"){ open (HANDLE,"<".$path."kilpailijat_$in{'eventid'}.txt"); @d=; close HANDLE; if($in{'lisaa'} eq '1'){ ## if add mode ## get ID foreach $rec (@d){ ($id,$rest)=split(/\|/,$rec,2); if($id>50000){$id=$id-50000;} if($in{'id'} < $id){$in{'id'}=$id;} } $in{'id'}=(1*$in{'id'})+1; }else{ ## read original version of name, to avoid some charset trouble foreach $rec (@d){ @r=split(/\|/,$rec); if($in{'id'} == $r[0] && $r[3] ne ''){$in{'suunnistaja'}=$r[3];} } } ## input $in{'suunnistaja'}=~ s/#chsmcl#/\;/g; $in{'suunnistaja'}=~ s/#chnd#/\&/g; $in{'kommentit'}=~ s/#chsmcl#/\;/g; $in{'kommentit'}=~ s/#chnd#/\&/g; ## gps if($in{'GPS'}==1){ $lahtoaika=-1; foreach $rec (@d){ ($id_t,$sarjanro_t,$sarjanimi_t,$nimi_t,$laika_t,$aika_t,$sija_t,$tulos_t,$valiajat_t,$GPSa_t)=split(/\|/,$rec); if($id_t == $in{'id'}){ $lahtoaika=$laika_t; } } $in{'suunnistaja'}=' GPS '.$in{'suunnistaja'}; $in{'id'}=50000+$in{'id'}; } open (SISAAN,"<$path"."merkinnat_$in{'eventid'}.txt"); @merkinnat=; close(SISAAN); $ok=1; foreach $rec (@merkinnat) { chomp($rec); ($idkilp,$id,$nimi,$hajonta,$viivat,$rastit)=split(/\|/,$rec); if($id eq $in{'id'}){ $ok=0; ## eli piirros oli jo olemassa, ei tallenneta } } $in{'rdata'}=~ s/\,/\;/g; ($reitti,$rastit)=split(/\|/,$in{'rdata'}); if($ok == 1){ if($in{'GPS'}!=1){ open (HANDLE,">>".$path."merkinnat_$in{'eventid'}.txt"); &lock_file; print HANDLE $in{'rataid'}."|".$in{'id'}."| $in{'suunnistaja'}|$in{'hajonta'}|$reitti|$rastit\n"; &unlock_file; close HANDLE; }else{ @GPSD=split(/N/,$reitti); $reitti=''; foreach $gd (@GPSD){ chomp($gd); if($gd ne ''){ ($Gx,$Gy,$Gt)=split(/\;/,$gd); if($Gx ne $GxOLD && $Gy ne $GyOLD){ $reitti.='N'.$Gx.';'.$Gy; $GxOLD=$Gx; $GyOLD=$Gy; } } } $reitti.='|'; ## gps animaatio $GAIKA=0;$ani=''; foreach $gd (@GPSD){ chomp($gd); if($gd ne ''){ ($Gx,$Gy,$Gt)=split(/\;/,$gd); while($Gt > $GAIKA){ $ani.=$Gx.';'.$Gy.',0N'; $GAIKA=$GAIKA+3; } } } open (HANDLE,">>".$path."merkinnat_$in{'eventid'}.txt"); &lock_file; print HANDLE $in{'rataid'}."|".$in{'id'}."| $in{'suunnistaja'}|$in{'hajonta'}|$reitti|$rastit\n"; &unlock_file; close HANDLE; } $in{'kommentit'}=~ s/\n/#nl#/g; $in{'kommentit'}=~ s/\r/#cr#/g; $in{'kommentit'} =~ s/\//g; open (HANDLE,">>".$path."kommentit_$in{'eventid'}.txt"); &lock_file; print HANDLE $in{'rataid'}."|".$in{'id'}."|$in{'suunnistaja'}||$in{'kommentit'}\n"; &unlock_file; close HANDLE; if($in{'lisaa'} eq '1' || $in{'GPS'}==1){ ## if add mode if($in{'GPS'}!=1){ ## leg lengths ($pois,$lahto,$muut)=split(/N/,$reitti,3); $sLength=0; @aControls=split(/N/,($lahto.$rastit)); $ai=0; foreach $aControl (@aControls){ $ai++; if($ai>1){ ($ax1,$ay1)=split(/\;/,$aControls[$ai-2]); ($ax2,$ay2)=split(/\;/,$aControls[$ai-1]); $aleg[$ai-1]=sqrt(($ax1-$ax2)*($ax1-$ax2)+($ay1-$ay2)*($ay1-$ay2)); # Pythagoras } } ## $usersplits=''; $splitnro=0;$splitmissing=0; @splits=split(/m/,$in{'usersplits'}); foreach $split (@splits){ $splitnro++; ($min,$sec)=split(/s/,$split); if(floor(60*$min+(1*$sec))>0 && $splitmissing==0){ $usersplits.=floor(60*$min+(1*$sec)).';'; $lastsplit=floor(60*$min+(1*$sec)); } if(floor(60*$min+(1*$sec))==0){# a split is missing if($splitmissing==0){ $splitmissing=$splitnro; } } if(floor(60*$min+(1*$sec))>0 && $splitmissing>0){ # there has been missing split before this split $sLength=0; for($j=$splitmissing;$j<$splitnro+1;$j++){ $sLength=$sLength+$aleg[$j]; } $averagespeed=(floor(60*$min+(1*$sec))-$lastsplit)/$sLength; $sLength=0; for($j=$splitmissing;$j<$splitnro+1;$j++){ $sLength=$sLength+$aleg[$j]; $usersplits.=floor($lastsplit+$sLength*$averagespeed).';'; } $splitmissing=0; $lastsplit=floor(60*$min+(1*$sec)); } } $result=$min.':'.$sec; }# if gps!=1 if($in{'GPS'}==1){ $GPSani=$ani; } open (HANDLE,">>".$path."kilpailijat_$in{'eventid'}.txt"); &lock_file; if($in{'hajonta'} eq 'null'){ $in{'hajonta'}=''; } $lahtoaika=floor(1*$lahtoaika); if($lahtoaika ==-1){ $lahtoaika=floor(1*$in{'gpsstarttime'}); } print HANDLE $in{'id'}."|".$in{'rataid'}."||$in{'suunnistaja'}|$lahtoaika||$in{'hajonta'}|$result|$usersplits|$GPSani\n"; &unlock_file; close HANDLE; } } print "\n"; exit; } ###################### tallennusonnistui-sivu ################# if ($in{"act"} eq "tallennettu"){ ## language check $kieli="fi"; foreach $rec (@languages){ if($rec eq $in{'kieli'}){ $kieli=$rec; } } open (SISAAN,"<".$path."../lang_".$kieli.".txt"); @lang=; close(SISAAN); $lang=join('',@lang); ($lang, $langkiitos)=split(/####/,join('',@lang)); print " OK

"; exit; } ################# radat #################### if ($in{"act"} eq "rata"){ if($in{'kohdistus'} ne '1'){ ## tästä appletti kysyy radan ratapiirrokset ## jos viestimoodi if($in{"hajonnat"} ne''){ open (SISAAN,"<$path"."radat_$in{'eventid'}.txt"); while (defined ($rec = )) { chomp($rec); ($id,$status,$nimi,$viivat)=split(/\|/,$rec); if ($in{"id"} eq $id || index($in{"hajonnat"},'s'.$id.'s')>-1){ $viivat =~ s/N/\n/g; $viivat =~ s/R/\r/g; $viivat =~ s/#//g; print "$viivat\n"; } } close(SISAAN); }else{#henk koht open (SISAAN,"<$path"."radat_$in{'eventid'}.txt"); while (defined ($rec = )) { chomp($rec); ($id,$status,$nimi,$viivat)=split(/\|/,$rec); if ($in{"id"} == $id || $in{"id"} eq '99999'){ $viivat =~ s/N/\n/g; $viivat =~ s/R//g; $viivat =~ s/#//g; if($in{"id"} ne '99999'){ print "$viivat\n"; }else{ $count++; $out.=$viivat."\n"; } } } close(SISAAN); if($in{"id"} eq '99999'){ ## vain ympyrät kaikkien ratojen systeemiin if($count > 10){ @d=split(/\n/,$out); $out=''; foreach $rec (@d){ ($type,$rest)=split(/\;/,$rec,2); if($e{$rec} eq'' && $type eq '1'){ $e{$rec}=1; print "$rec\n"; } } }else{ print $out; } } }# henkkoht moodi }else{ open (SISAAN,"<$path"."rastikanta_$in{'eventid'}.txt"); while (defined ($rec = )) { chomp($rec); ($id,$x,$y)=split(/\|/,$rec); $x=floor($x*10); $y=floor($y*10); print "1;$x;$y;0;0\n"; } close(SISAAN); } } ################# ratapisteet #################### if ($in{"act"} eq "ratapisteet"){ ## tästä appletti kysyy radan ratapiirrokset open (SISAAN,"<$path"."ratapisteet_$in{'eventid'}.txt"); while (defined ($rec = )) { chomp($rec); ($id,$pisteet)=split(/\|/,$rec); if ($in{"id"} == $id ){ $pisteet =~ s/N/\n/g; print "$pisteet\n"; } } close(SISAAN); } ############################################################### sub lock_file{ if($locking eq '1'){ $exit=15; # max yritykset/sekunnit $lock_i=0; if (!flock (HANDLE,LOCK_EX) ){ $released=FALSE; until ($released eq TRUE || $lock_i>$exit) { $lock_i++; sleep 1; if (flock(HANDLE,2)) { $released=TRUE; } } } if ($lock_i>$exit) { print "Lock error. - Virhe lukituksessa.
If this is new insall: path is wrong, there is no enough permissios or locking should be turned of on this server."; exit; } } } sub trim { my $string = shift; for ($string) { s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//; } return $string; } sub unlock_file { if($locking eq '1'){ flock(HANDLE,LOCK_UN); } }
"; if($default_lang ne 'fi'){ $out=$out."


"; }else{ $out=$out."


"; } $out=$out.""; $count=0; @data = sort { (split /\|/, $a, 6)[4] cmp (split /\|/, $b, 6)[4] } @data; if($in{'first'}!=1){ @data = reverse @data; } foreach $rec (@data){ $count++; chomp($rec); ($id,$karttaid,$tyyppi,$nimi,$paiva,$seura,$taso,$notes)=split(/\|/,$rec,8); if($in{'count'}<$count && $in{'count'}+30>=$count ){ $out=$out.""; $bcolor="#f8f8ff"; if($count % 2 == 0){$bcolor="#E8E8F0";} if($default_lang ne 'fi'){ $out=$out.""; }else{ $out=$out.""; } if($Splitsbrowser==1 && $tyyppi != 3){ $out=$out. "\n"; }else{ $out=$out. "\n"; } if($splitalyzer==1 && $tyyppi != 3){ $out=$out. "\n"; }else{ $out=$out. "\n"; } } } $out=$out. "
$paiva$nimi$seura$eLevel{$taso}[$latestRoutes]$paiva$nimi$seura$eLevel{$taso}[Uusimmat piirrokset][SplitsBrowser]
\n"; if($OGraphApplet ==1 && $tyyppi != 3){ if($default_lang eq 'fi'){ $out=$out."

Väliaika-graafit: OGraphApplet

"; }else{ $out=$out."

Split graphics: OGraphApplet

"; } } $out=$out."
"; if($in{'count'}>0){ $out=$out."<<<"; } if($in{'count'}+30 < $count){ $out=$out." >>>"; } $out=$out."

"; $out =~s/ä/\ä\;/g; $out =~s/ö/\ö\;/g; $out =~s/å/\å\;/g; $out =~s/Ä/\Ä\;/g; $out =~s/Ö/\Ö\;/g; $out =~s/Å/\Å\;/g; print $out; }else{ $plusgif=""; $minusgif=""; $perloadimages=""; $igif=""; ## event tree menu #### open(SISAAN, "<".$path."kisat.txt"); @data=; close(SISAAN); $out= "
"; #if($default_lang ne 'fi'){ #$out.="

$events"; #}else{ #$out.="

Tapahtumat:"; #} if ((-e "".$path."coord.txt") eq "1") { $out.="
Live tracking"; open(SISAAN, "<".$path."radat_0.txt"); @trradat=; close(SISAAN); foreach $tr (@trradat){ @r=split(/\|/,$tr); $out.="

$r[2]"; } $out.="

Live GPS tracking with background map"; } $out.="

                                                          "; $out.="

"; if($OGraphApplet ==1 && $tyyppi != 3){ if($default_lang eq 'fi'){ $out.="

Väliaika-graafit: OGraphApplet

"; }else{ $out.="

Split graphics: OGraphApplet

"; } } $out.="
"; print $out; } exit; } ################# sarjat #################### if ($in{"act"} eq "sarjat"){ ## lasketaan montako piirrosta on missäkin sarjassa $archived=0; if($in{'eventid'}!=0 && (-e $path."archive.zip" || -e $path."archive_".$in{'eventid'}.".zip" || -e $path."sarjat_$in{'eventid'}.txt.gz") && !(-e $path."sarjat_$in{'eventid'}.txt")){ if(-e $path."sarjat_$in{'eventid'}.txt.gz"){ require Compress::Zlib; import Compress::Zlib; $archived=1; $gz = gzopen($path."kommentit_".$in{'eventid'}.".txt.gz", "rb"); $data='';while ($gz->gzreadline($_) > 0) {$data.=$_;}; $gz->gzclose(); @kommentit=split(/\n/,$data); }else{ require IO::Uncompress::Unzip; import IO::Uncompress::Unzip; $zipfile = $path."archive.zip"; if(-e $path."archive_".$in{'eventid'}.".zip"){ $zipfile = $path."archive_".$in{'eventid'}.".zip"; } $u = new IO::Uncompress::Unzip $zipfile or die "Cannot open $zipfile: $UnzipError"; $status2=1; for ($status = 1; $status > 0 && $status2 == 1; $status = $u->nextStream()) { $prename=$name; $name = $u->getHeaderInfo()->{Name}; if($name eq "kommentit_$in{'eventid'}.txt"){ $archived=1; $data=''; while (($status = $u->read($buff)) > 0) { $data.=$buff; } @kommentit=split(/\n/,$data); } if($prename eq $name){$status2=0;} } #print "#$name $status "; if($archived==0){ # such event does not exists exit; } } } if($archived==0){ open (SISAAN,"<$path"."kommentit_$in{'eventid'}.txt"); @kommentit=; close(SISAAN); } foreach $rec (@kommentit) { chomp($rec); ($idkilp,$id,$nimi,$aika,$kommentit)=split(/\|/,$rec); $i++; $lkm{$idkilp}++; } ## luetaan saarjat open (SISAAN,"<$path"."sarjat_$in{'eventid'}.txt"); if($in{'kohdistus'}eq "1"){ print "1;Koko rastikanta\n"; }else{ while (defined ($rec = )) { chomp($rec); ($id,$nimi)=split(/\|/,$rec); print "$id;$nimi (".(1*$lkm{$id}).")\n"; } close(SISAAN); print "99999;kaikki\n"; } } ################# kilpailijat/sarja############## if ($in{"act"} eq "kilpailijat"){ if($in{'sarja'} ne "99999"){ open (SISAAN,"<$path"."kilpailijat_$in{'eventid'}.txt"); if($in{'viesti'} ne '1'){ while (defined ($rec = )) { chomp($rec); ($id,$sarjanro,$sarja,$nimi,$laika,$aika,$sija,$tulos,$valiajat)=split(/\|/,$rec); if($sarjanro eq $in{'sarja'}){ print "$id;$sija $nimi $tulos\n"; } } }else{ while (defined ($rec = )) { chomp($rec); ($id,$sarjanro,$sarja,$nimi,$laika,$osuus,$hajonta,$tulos,$valiajat)=split(/\|/,$rec); if($sarjanro eq $in{'sarja'}){ print "$id;$hajonta;$sija $nimi $tulos\n"; } } } close(SISAAN); }else{ $j=0;$i=0; open (SISAAN,"<$path"."merkinnat_$in{'eventid'}.txt"); while (defined ($rec = )) { chomp($rec); ($idkilp,$id,$nimi,$aika,$viivat,$rastit)=split(/\|/,$rec); $i++; print $id.";$nimi\n"; $j++; } close(SISAAN); } } ################# piirtaneetkilpailijat/sarja############## ############# kilpailijalista ############## if ($in{"act"} eq "piirtaneetkilpailijat"){ ## Tästä appletti kysyy piirtaneetkilpailijat if($in{'kaikki'} eq "1" && $in{"rata"} ne "99999"){ ## tarkistetan piirtäneet tähtimerkintää varten open (SISAAN,"<$path"."merkinnat_$in{'eventid'}.txt"); while (defined ($rec = )) { chomp($rec); ($idkilp,$id,$nimi,$aika,$viivat,$rastit)=split(/\|/,$rec); $tahti{$id}="*"; } close(SISAAN); ### open (SISAAN,"<$path"."kilpailijat_$in{'eventid'}.txt"); while (defined ($rec = )) { chomp($rec); ($id,$sarjanro,$sarja,$nimi,$laika,$aika,$sijahajonta,$tulos,$valiajat)=split(/\|/,$rec); if($sarjanro eq $in{'rata'}){ if($in{'viesti'} ne '1'){ print "$tahti{$id}$sijahajonta $nimi $tulos ;$id\n"; }else{ print "$tahti{$id} $nimi $tulos;$sijahajonta;$id\n"; } } } close(SISAAN); }else{ $j=0;$i=0; if($in{'viesti'} ne '1'){ open (SISAAN,"<$path"."merkinnat_$in{'eventid'}.txt"); while (defined ($rec = )) { chomp($rec); ($idkilp,$id,$nimi,$aika,$viivat,$rastit)=split(/\|/,$rec); $i++; if($idkilp eq $in{"rata"} || $in{"rata"} eq "99999"){ ## eli on tässä sarjassa @ulos[$j]=$nimi.";".$id."\n"; $j++; } } close(SISAAN); @ulos = sort { (split '\;', $a, 2)[1] <=> (split '\;', $b, 2)[1] } @ulos; print @ulos; }else{ # viesti open (SISAAN,"<$path"."merkinnat_$in{'eventid'}.txt"); while (defined ($rec = )) { chomp($rec); ($idkilp,$id,$nimi,$hajonta,$viivat,$rastit)=split(/\|/,$rec); $i++; if($idkilp eq $in{"rata"} || $in{"rata"} eq "99999"){ ## eli on tässä sarjassa @ulos[$j]=$nimi.';'.$hajonta.';'.$id."\n"; $j++; } } close(SISAAN); @ulos = sort { (split '\;', $a, 3)[2] <=> (split '\;', $b, 3)[2] } @ulos; print @ulos; } } } ################# rastit kohdistukseen ############## if ($in{"act"} eq "rastisto"){ open (SISAAN,"<$path"."sarjojenkoodit_$in{'eventid'}.txt"); while (defined ($rec = )) { chomp($rec); ($sarjaid,$koodit)=split(/\|/,$rec,2); $codes=$codes."|".$koodit; } @dat=split(/\|/,$codes); $ulos=""; $rastilkm=1; foreach $rec (@dat){ if($rec ne ''){ if($koodi{$rec}!=1){ $koodi{$rec}=1; $ulos=$ulos.$rec."\n"; } } } print $ulos; } ################# fotot ############# if ($in{"act"} eq "valokuvat"){ open (SISAAN,"<$path"."valokuvat_$in{'eventid'}.txt"); while (defined ($rec = )) { chomp($rec); ($x,$y,$url)=split(/\|/,$rec,3); if($x ne '' && $y ne '' && $url ne '' ){ $x=floor($x); $y=floor($y); print "$x;$y;$url\n"; } } } ################# valiajat ############## if ($in{"act"} eq "valiajat"){ $nro=1;$otsikko="-------------------"; open (SISAAN,"<$path"."kilpailijat_$in{'eventid'}.txt"); while (defined ($rec = )) { chomp($rec); ($id,$sarjanro,$sarjanimi,$nimi,$laika,$aika,$sija,$tulos,$valiajat)=split(/\|/,$rec); if($id eq $in{'k'.$nro} && $id < 50000){ @splits=split(/\;/,$valiajat); $old=0;$i=1; $ulos=' '.substr($nimi." ",0,19); foreach $rec (@splits){ chomp($rec); if($nro==1){ $otsikko=$otsikko.substr("--".$i."----",0,6); $i++; } $min=floor(($rec-$old)/60); $sec=($rec-$old)-60*floor(($rec-$old)/60); if ($sec <10){$sec='0'.$sec;} $old=$rec; $ulos=$ulos.substr("$min.$sec ",0,6); } if($nro==1){ print "$otsikko\n"; } print "$ulos $nimi\n"; $nro++; } } close(SISAAN); print "$otsikko\n"; print "\n Route lengths (in pixels) \n"; print "$otsikko------\n"; ### # Tästä apletti saa reittipituuded # 2|gadget_060225.zip|RouteGadget 25.2.2006 (latest)

Now you can make direct links to route drawings. Take a look at latest routes page. Route choice lengths are viewed under split times. A bug in SI csv parser fixed (non english SI files).

open (SISAAN,"<".$path."kisat.txt"); @kartat=; close(SISAAN); $viesti=0; foreach $rec (@kartat) { chomp($rec); ($id,$karttaid,$tyyppi,$nimi)=split(/\|/,$rec,4); if($id==$in{'eventid'} && $tyyppi ==3){ $viesti=1; } } $kilp=1; while($in{"k".$kilp} ne ''){ open (SISAAN,"<$path"."merkinnat_$in{'eventid'}.txt"); $ok=0; while (defined ($rec = )) { chomp($rec); ($idkilp,$id,$nimi,$aika,$viivat,$rastit)=split(/\|/,$rec); if ($in{"k".$kilp} eq $id){ $viiva[$kilp]=$viivat; $rast[$kilp]=$rastit; $nim[$kilp]=$nimi; $kilp++;$ok=1; } } close(SISAAN); if($ok==0){$kilp++;} } ## nyt onreittipiirros ja rastipisteet selvillä $kilp=1; while($in{"k".$kilp} ne''){ if($viiva[$kilp] ne ''){ print substr($nim[$kilp]." ",0,20); if($in{"k".$kilp}<100000){ @reitti=split(/N/,$viiva[$kilp]); @rastit=split(/N/,$rast[$kilp]); $i=0; $viiva[$kilp]=$viiva[$kilp]."N"; $viivatemp=""; foreach $rec (@rastit){ $i++; if($rec ne ""){ $j="NC".$i."N";$k="N".$rec."N"; ($temp,$viiva[$kilp])=split(/${k}/,$viiva[$kilp],2); $viiva[$kilp]="N".$viiva[$kilp]; $viivatemp.=$temp.$j; } } $viiva[$kilp]=$viivatemp; $i=0; foreach $rec (@rastit){ $i++;$j="NC".$i."N";$k="N".$rec.'|'.$rec."N"; $viiva[$kilp]=~ s/${j}/${k}/; } $viiva[$kilp]=~ s/^\|//; $viiva[$kilp]=~ s/NN/N/g; $viiva[$kilp]=~ s/NN/N/g; $viiva[$kilp]=~ s/NN/N/g; @rastivalit=split(/\|/,$viiva[$kilp]); $ulos=join("\n",@rastivalit); $i=0; foreach $rec (@rastivalit){ $rec=~ s/^N//; } $i_rastit=0; $i_reitti=0; $i_piste=0; $aika=0; $matka=0; $totpit=0; foreach $rc (@rastivalit){ $rastivalit[$i_rastit]=~ s/^N//; @viivab=split(/N/,$rastivalit[$i_rastit]); # lasketaan pituus $x0=0; $y0=0; $pituus=0; $i=0; foreach $rec (@viivab){ ($x1,$y1)=split(/\;/,$rec); if($i>0){ $pituus=$pituus+sqrt(($x0-$x1)*($x0-$x1)+($y0-$y1)*($y0-$y1)); }else{ $alkux=$x1;$alkuy=$y1; } $x0=$x1;$y0=$y1; $i++; } if($alkux !=$x1 && $alkuy !=$y1){ #print substr((floor($pituus/sqrt(($alkux-$x1)*($alkux-$x1)+($alkuy-$y1)*($alkuy-$y1))*1000)/10).' ',0,5).' '; #print substr((($pituus-sqrt(($alkux-$x1)*($alkux-$x1)+($alkuy-$y1)*($alkuy-$y1)))).' ',0,5).' '; print substr(floor($pituus).' ',0,5).' '; $totpit+=$pituus; }else{ print ' '; } $i_rastit++; } } print ' '.floor($totpit).' '.$nim[$kilp]."\n"; }else{ print "\n"; } $kilp++; } ### } ############################################# if ($in{'act'} eq 'help' ){ # tsekataan kieli $kieli=$default_lang; foreach $rec (@languages){ if($in{'kieli'} eq $rec){$kieli=$rec;} } open (SISAAN,"<".$path."../lang_".$kieli.".txt"); @lang=; close(SISAAN); $lang=join('',@lang); ($lang, $langkiitos)=split(/####/,join('',@lang)); open (SISAAN,"<".$path."../map.txt"); @sivu=; close(SISAAN); $sivu= join('',@sivu); ($head,$applet,$end)=split(/applet/i,$sivu); $head=$head.'table width=100% height=94% cellpadding=25 cellspacing=1>
